Highly Informative & Imaginative FAR OUT! But worth thinking about.
I lost many friends years ago speculating on these things. It is highly probable your on the mark.
Who hath believed our report.
Unbelievable ! Amazing research ! Information +++ This is one riveting presentation, only someone with an insight into the scriptures from the index to the maps, paralleled with a insight of what collectively, scientists today are up to, could have possibly explained in some much detail, the end game for humanity.
Never before in mans history could this have been possible to understand and predict, mankind is about to have the "web" offer forbidden fruit.
The conclusion is staggeringly sobering.
Pastor Mike a huge effort from you, thank you.
Awesome message, bold courageous preaching. I am convinced as this message so Biblically reveals, that the vast majority of those people who have been born again and faithfully attend a local fellowship, especially the mega-churches, consciously or sub-consciously believe that the last days false teachers and false prophets are outside the church. Not realising that their deception started when they heard a message that was only 1 Deg, off course, maybe just one word in total that was not Authorised.
And if these same people aren't faithfully reading the only bible that never changes, and not the shifting sands, they will never know, until they arrive at the end.
2 Vines - 2 Manuscript Lines Hi Pastor Mike - a lot of great points raised!
In your next sermon, would you also consider doing a brief talk on source manuscripts for the 2 vines, to help show how one line of manuscripts was more reliable than the others (for KJV vs other bible versions)? Agree with you btw.
Many thanks, God bless, and Happy Resurrection Day!
2nd try - Excellent topic - KJV translation So glad you raised the important topic of the 2 manuscript lines for Bible version translations. Interesting to know that the KJV bible translation was based on a very different line than all the others. I hope your Thursday PMO sermon will further elaborate on these 2 lines.
This topic is so crucial to answering the question "which bible should I use?", that it would also be great if you would post a brief summary of this (say, a few paragraphs about the 2 lines of translation derivation?) on each of your websites. It may really help clarify some things for people on all of this.
God bless!
Excellent Topic - KJV Bible So glad you raised the important topic of the 2 manuscript lines for Bible version translations. Interesting to know that the KJV bible translation was based on a very different line than all the others. I hope your Thursday PMO sermon will further elaborate on these 2 lines.
This topic is so crucial to answering the question "which bible should I use?", that it would also be great if you would post a brief summary of this (say, a few paragraphs about the 2 lines of translation derivation?) on each of your websites.
Who knows? It may even help some of the scoffers and scorners to repent. God bless.
Excellent Topic - KJV vs. other translations Great that you raised this topic, Pastor Mike! On Thursday, I hope you'll spend more time explaining the 2 manuscript lines that were used, i.e., 1 as the basis for the KJV vs the 2nd for all other translations.
Also, it would be helpful to a lot of people if you'd consider doing a brief summary (on each of your websites?) on the 2 manuscript lines, showing the basis for KJV vs all others. (Who knows? Maybe it will even help some of the scorners to repent.)
Great Sermon! Thank you, Pastor Mike, for your bible-based (KJV) teachings - always a pleasure to hear the truth explained and defended so clearly and insightfully from scripture. Glad you exposed the "faith healers" today, too, that is, those who keep people in bondage saying if they become or remain ill, it's their fault for not having enough faith. Also appreciate your wonderful humour! (A merry heart doeth good... Prov.17:22) God keep and bless you and yours.
Great Sermon! Pastor Mike warns against those who say you can be saved even though you have taken the mark of the beast - great advice, you cannot be saved after that.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
just for the records: FLONASE has the german word for nose in it: Nose in German means Nase, pronounced appr. like N-ah-s-e(the e like in garden)
Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus
Mike Schuck
Great Sermon! There are those who say that Netanyahoos talk to congress was political theatre that had been contrived back in 2009, for a variety of political agendas. To paraphrase, Let God be true, and every man a Liar. It seems to me that above all, Jews as at all time, need to be saved through belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
important and awesome and a blessing, as usual! Thank you so much! Praise the Lord!
Greetings from Munich/Bavaria/Germany
and sincerely Yours in Christ Jesus and our KJV
Mike Schuck
what do you think about this Hello,
This is a qoute, unquote, revelation that I noticed the past few day. Think of 2 Thes. 2-3 as I tell you what I noticed. First I saw that Madonna fell of stage at an award show. I am sure you are already aware of this fact. Well then today on the news it stated that the leader in all of the ISIS propaganda videos, his identity is ow known. Finally, tomorrow Feb. 28Th is going to be what ISIS has stated "the national day of blood" . You can look up all of this just by a few clicks of the mouse. Now look at this verse in the bible.....let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.
Zach kessler