Great Sermon! Much to think about. Where the Bible is [essentially] silent, so must we be. I will reserve comment on your analysis and leave it for others to consider. Thanks.
Mr. Faulkner If death passed to all humans via Adam, (Rom. 5), we are not condemmed because of our actual sin, say any bad doings done; rather all individuals stand condemned by means of the imputed sin-nature in Adam's sin.
This then makes questionable to sustain that all babes are in heaven, because in Adam they all have inherited death.
It is a matter of election and mercy.
Esau and Jacob were elected from the womb, one unto perdition and the other to obtain mercy, and that before they had done any good or evil.
See, "For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calls ... As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. ... I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy."
Out of our human inclination, we may assume God as having mercy of them all, but there might not be a solid biblical base to categorically imply it.
This one of the mostimportant sermons of pster marshall duri g the second world war. I have the record I bought 50 years ago in new zealand it isthe flip side of were you tnere,,it is relavent for today.
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for these wonderful readings from Charles Spurgeon. I have been moved in my heart so deeply by all his words. Bless you for your sharing.
Great Sermon! To many in the church have become comfortable. Many have read and discussed the end times. Many have made perdictions. Some have reassured not in our life time.GOD is in charge of every life. Man wants to be in charge.USA is in such denial and has taken for granted all God's provisions and blessings. This virus should wake all Christians UP out of their comfort zones.Time to stop being superficial... practice what we know and have been taught, thanks for your message
Good message Thank you for this message. You are one of the few preachers I've heard who make a direct connection between this pandemic and the monstrous sins that the world has increasingly embraced, especially abortion and sexual perversion.
I loved these I'm very thankful this is on audio, one of the best audio books I've listened to. It's helped me realize a lot of my suffering and struggles are a good thing, drawing me closer to God.
It's amazing to see Brainerd's desires for God and spiritual maturity at such an early age. Some of the things he says in his 20's sounds like the wisdom from someone who's walked with the Lord for many decades.
Great Sermon! True men of God are a rarity in this present day; most are pompous, arrogant and pride-filled. They refuse correction and falsely accuse when their sins are exposed. George Muller, on the other hand, was a TRUE man of God, his humility and utter dependence on God was amazing. He truly loved the brethren, and his actions proved it. He also desired to only serve Christ and depend on God to provide what was necessary to do so. Again, this is unheard of in this day.
True believers are rare in this day, most bite and devour, attack and malign. Muller displayed what a true Christian looks like, ALL glory goes to God - who humbles His true elect. How grateful am I that He does so....
Great Sermon! I'd be interested in documented proof that the two days are different. We must never say things just because we have always said them. Is not Christ our Lord? Nevertheless I do understand that we Christians shall stand before Christ at His coming, and the lost will stand before the Great White Throne after the Millennium.
Please be careful about calling the KJV infallible, also. Only the original autographs from the apostles are so labeled by Christian scholars. KJV is a translation. A pretty good one, but with many technical errors.
If you were raised on the KJV and had its old English explained to you, of course you would think it the easiest to understand. Put a person of this generation, a saved person, in front of a KJV and then a NKJV, and see which one brings a smile first. English has changed. We must change also. It's not a sin.
Great Sermon! Kjv. The original kjv had the apocrypha. Yes it has been changed. Thankfully we now have the nkjv. English we can understand . Be careful about making statements that cannot be verified historically.