Unfair Debate This is not a fair debate, for it was 2 Arminians on 1 Calvinist; however, Rev Agnus did a great job and presented Scripture that the Arminians could not dispute.
Great Sermon! I think this was not a debate. The moderator was not moderating but interjecting his own beliefs and misunderstanding. He clearly was opposed to the doctrines of grace point of view and did all he could, even in reading the emails, to oppose Rev. Stewart. The moderator could have quickly edited the nonsense of the emails, but he chose to read all of it so as to make it [in his mind] evident that Rev. Stewart's point of view is unpopular.
Thank God for men like Rev. Stewart who give answers based on what the Word of God says. Though I appreciated Rev. Ramsey's contribution, he didn't offer a convincing argument for his Arminianism. When he quoted verses, he clearly ignored the context of the same.
The calling public was oblivious. How it demonstrated the great biblical illiteracy that is prevalent in our times! This is in part due to the fact that men seek the approval of men and consequently don't preach the whole counsel of the Word of God.
The Gospel is offensive and it is supposed to show us that we are depraved sinners in need of salvation. Nowhere is it taught in the Bible that man's will overrules the will of the Sovereign of the universe. Good job Rev. Stewart!
Great Sermon! This is not a fair debate, for it was 2 Arminians on 1 Calvinist; however, Rev Agnus did a great job and presented Scripture that the Arminians could not dispute.
The Arminians continually used "experience" and "feeling" instead of addressing Scriptures.
Calvinists believe that a person has to believe to be saved and that there is no one in hell that wanted to believe but couldn't because they were not the elect. Likewise, there are no people in heaven that didn't WANT to be their.
All people who go to hell are their because they want to be there. They are there because they did not believe. People are responsible for their actions and any objections was handled by Paul in Romans 9.
God does desire all to be saved but not all are saved, so both camps have to answer to that. God has a higher desire than man's free will and that's His Glory. No one deserves heaven. We get heaven because God loved us and set His affections on us, nothing that we did, nothing good inside of us, but by his mercy.
Great Sermon! Good message concerning Christ's ascencion and the thoughts of His Disciples. Several points covered on this much neglected topic. Thanks!
Great Sermon! Thank you for a very enlightening sermon on 1 Chronicles 21. I learnt about true repentance which has a price. I learnt about the justice and mercy of God.
Great study. Very good and rich study of Patrick's life and theology, bases upon His 2 writings remaining from him, with many quotations as argument of his position. Excellent the answers given to Catholics who made a false image of Patrick. I praise God for giving His church a man so dedicated to Christ. God blessed his life with many fruits.
Great Sermon! Good exposition of verses 15-17 as it is very edifying, explaining in great depth why we should not love the world and the things of the world.
Great Sermon! Thank you. I am glad this was posted at this time. We can praise GOD that "Jesus learned obedience from what He suffered." It is my firm belief that it is Christ in the believer who over comes, through them; in the midst of life's extreme losses and storms. Salvation is the LORD, and bless His Name; He is able. Thanks for the wonderful encouragement. May GOD bless you.
Helpful Commentary on Time Frame of Dialog I never would have guessed that the exchange between the shepherd and the Shulamite was really her remembrance of how they first met. This is helpful!
Esteemed of God, but Stricken How true! The Christian sees himself or herself as exceedingly black and unworthy, but Christ sees his elect as beautiful. Definitely the answer to panderers of "self-esteen." All credit goes to the transforming Christ!
Appropriate Title It is interesting to notice the dates of the sermons in this series. Apparently whenever Rev. Kleyn's church took communion four times a year is when the "series" on Song of Solomon was preached. This strikes me as a very good way of doing this series, and I am sure it gave special insight into the Lord's Supper to those who originally heard it.
Great Sermon! The Song of Solomon has had few commentators, and without doubt, it is a difficult book to understand. I liked the way this pastor likened the way Solomon talked to the Shulumite with the way all Christians take comfort from the Word of God. Now the Song of Solomon starts to make better sense.
Great Sermon! Excellant preaching, excellant message. Scripturally sound, rational, bold and powerful. Thankyou, Professor.
I always thought the word "unseemly" was way too mild. Professor clarifies:
"What is "unseemingly" is indecent...obscene..."
Vile passions: "When society promotes & practices THIS sin it has *plumbed the depths* of sin with regards to sin's shamefulness....It is *filling it's cup* with iniquity..."
Oh woe to America, this once great, once safe country. Scary stuff.
Relevant Sermon! The drawing out of several things was helpful:
1. "men and women", says the preacher is actually "males and females" in the Greek, thus here the "gender identity" propaganda is refuted; there are "males and females" only, and no other. There is no other "sexual orientation" except it be the perversion of a warped and irrational, depraved mind that seeks a justification, i.e. "this is who I am....God makes no mistakes" (what blasphemous untruth).
2. "to things inconvenient"; the preachers says "unfitting", contrary to human sexuality, and Anatomy 101, i.e. contrary to natural function, design of each "male and female" gender. Inconvenient, unfitting, unnatural indeed!
3. "shame" is something that this exceedingly gross and unnatural sin brings upon the people and society where they are active. Yet "shame" is what the LGBT revolutionaries try to throw at Christians or anyone else who teaches "shame" on them.
Even the animal kingdom in nature stands in astonishment at the unnatural "mating" of human beings as weird and unfitting, contrary to their own "narrow" behavior.
Impressive Video! So impressed with an unambiguous Reformed presentation. We are a minister and ruling elder in the PCA. Our emphases are those found in your video. Would that all Reformed churches were unashamed of our confessions and the unconditional covenant of grace. We will pray for your work. Thank you.
Great Sermon! I love the fact that Rev Stewart gave the moderator a great point about John 17 and the moderators response was ..."but do you believe in speaking in tongues"..would almost be funny if it wasn't so sad...well done Rev Stewart once again you demonstrate that the doctrines of grace will always be confirmed be sound biblical exegesis. Soli Deo Gloria.
Great Sermon! It is obvious that those who are Arminian can not get over their worship of man. They refuse to see God as Sovereign over His creation. These men will not bow their knee to the fact that there is NONE good, and none that seeketh after God. They believe that when one does seek after God it is of their own doing. That is where they miss the fact that it is God who is putting that desire in them! Salvation is of the LORD! Excellent stand in Truth Pastor Stewart!!