Great Sermon! Thank you John for morning and evening sermon was what I needed to hear from God...Tell Kim I said hello if you don't mind..Thank you
Great Sermon! This is such a beautiful message to hear! Spoke to my heart and reminded that both good and bad days are appointed by God and always for good. In the good days, rejoice. And in the day of adversity 'consider'.This gave me such a wonderful Christian perspective on the 'bad' days and how needful they are in growing in my Christian walk.
Great Sermon! Thanks again Mr wagner as always your sermons has been a huge help to my spiritual understanding, praying also for your wife and family may Godbless you effectively
Great Sermon! I'm seconding the comments of wayne from the UK. Excellent sermon from a pastor who preaches best about our life trials. I think he's been there.
Great Sermon! I just don't know how to put the word's down on how much this message from the Lord and His Love for us as His children,chosen before the foundation of this the world....He IS GREAT,GOOD,JUST,PERFECT and the list goes on and is shown to us in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ...The more we grow in knowing and loving Him, I can only say I want to know Him more and more...I don't deserve the Grace and Love He has given me, but He did....I want to love Him more and more.....Can't get enough of His Word...
Great Sermon what a great and simple message of just how much we are loved by out God...we are so quick to forget that truth, especially when "life" seems to tumble in on us. I needed that....thank you and God bless you.
Great Sermon! Both parts of this message were excellent and timely for me. I am very grateful Rev. Wagner has prayed that he would only speak God's word to his people and not mix it with his own thoughts. This must be why i feel continually blessed, convicted, challenged and yet uplifted when i listen to his sermons. I am particularly grateful for god's inclusion of the book of Habakkuk in His Word, as i have needed the message therein mosre than once in the last few years.
Great Sermon! Well i tried to listen to other pastors on this passage but noticed Pastor wagner also had a sermon on this so i listened to it and of course it was a most excellent sermon that spoke of my circumstances and things i needed to be reminded of. I really don't want to cling to a particular pastor but can't help but come back to pastor wagners sermons and they always minister to me. Really grateful for this resource who has his sermons here.
Great Sermon! This was agood sermon. But at the same time discouraging maybe because it was from 2008 and here we are in 2016 and still the Spirit has not come. And boy does the church need revival.
Great Sermon! Such a hard lesson but a true and good one. I find comfort in pastor wagner having also been through these things. He also speaks quite often to my situations. Then points me to God again.
Great Sermon! This is a hard truth but if we are born again we are seperated out from the world and so we reject all of it- movies, tv, magazines, video games etc. it all has to go.
Great Sermon! Dear brother wagner, how precious he has become to me that he is so faithful to God's word so that i am able to focus on my Lord in the way i should. Sometimes the greatest sermons are ones where the pastor understands your trial. Psalm 55 has been very precious to me cause I know God also understands my trials and He is able to carry them for me.
Great Sermon! Really encouraging reminder. Trust only in the Lord. He is a faithful and a refuge to His children. And how patient God is because we are so soon to forget it.
Revealing Sermon! This sermon takes on the difficult topic of human pride. It is an everyday sin that overcomes our dependence upon Jesus Christ. and is a topic the church never discusses. As we become more humble, Grace comes more into our life.
Great Sermon! I couldn't be more grateful for this sermon and this pastor. I so needed the encouragement and to focus on God in my wilderness which has gone on for 5 years now! The water has long dried up but I will hope yet.