An urgent needful message I won't say I enjoyed this message. This is the kind of message that causes
fear and trembling. But I am grateful for the message. It is rare to find ministers who will warn people about their eternal destiny without Christ. I pray that God will continue to empower you to preach the message of the gospel. Where is love in preachers who will not warn their flock of the judgement to come. Give me preachers who love the souls of perishing men enough to make them fear and tremble by the preaching of God's word.
Our eyes are upon Christ! Thank you Pastor Wagner for this sermon preached with wisdom from our God above. An encouragement and edificationed well needed. Churches in Northern Ireland open your eyes and keep them on God and not yourselves and your imaginations but Christ who is all in all.
Great evangelist. The reformation work of Farel, especially in Geneva. A pioneer work of preaching the Gospel, through hardships and persecution. Farel planted in Geneva and Calvin watered, but God gave the increase. It is God's pleasure to work through men.
From darkness to light. Life of Farel until his conversion. Great work of God in converting a man deeply involved in Catholicism. God conquered his darkness, his blindness and superstition by the biblical preaching of Lefevre.
A FAITHFUL SERVANT OF JESUS CHRIST Every day, I thank God for Pastor Wagner. I have experienced tremendous spiritual growth through his ministry of God's Word via He exalts Jesus Christ, evangelizes the lost, edifies the body of Christ, encourages the believers, and equips the saints to serve. Yet, he does not set himself up to be a spiritual guru with all the answers. He would be the first to tell you that he knows himself to be an imperfect man trying to lead imperfect people to become more like our perfect Savior. I am in much prayer for this Godly man. As Matthew Henry said, "Those that welcome the message cannot but love the messengers."
GOD OBEYS HIS OWN RULES !! In the "foot-washing" that Jesus did with His disciples, there is something there that is quite fantastic -- the Maker of Heaven and earth, the Giver of the Law is shown to be subject to it! Jesus Christ, KING OF KINGS, abased Himself to the lowest level of servitude. Christ, by His actions, made it very clear that He would not expect anything from us that He was not willing to do Himself. What a "pride-buster" for man! Think on it!...there on the night of His "betrayal" was the Son of God on his hands and knees washing the smelly, dirty feet of His disciples. This amazing scene of Jesus Christ washing His disciples’ feet is a marvelous testimony to the truth that: “Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.” Matthew 20:27 It's how HIS CHURCH works! There's no job openings in Christ's "vineyard" for Prima Donna types!
Great warning. Great lessons for every day! Every calamity is from God's hands; God has a purpose in sending them; God warns the world and the church through them.
Great Sermon! A most helpful sermon. I have heard no better pastor when dealing with the believer's trials and troubling afflictions and no better pastor to brings to light the necessity of waiting only upon God, trusting when all seems impossible-confidence in God to perfom His promise-He will perform HIS PROMISE. Thank you Rev Wagner as you are the Lord's blessed instrument.
Great Sermon! Finally, someone who is not afraid to preach the truth !!! I've heard so many versions of this, it became confusing. We hear so much about grace, but so little about TRUTH !
I've seen this happening and I pray that all will wake up and be prepared and ready ! For we don't know when He is coming, so we MUST Be READY !
All who have ears, LISTEN !
It will be sooner than you think.
Great Sermon! Pastor Wagner, I know everytime I am down and need a word of encouragement God seems to always speak to me through your sermons! I guess I must be at my lowest point and through this sermon God has opened my eyes to show me that I haven't been depending on Him and going to Him like I should. Thank you Lord for you mercy in bringing this message that I needed to hear. Thank You Pastor Wagner