Amazing research! Praise the Lord that this information is still available! Don't be fooled by unbelieving scholars past or present. You can trust every word of your Holy Bible.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Dixon, Thank you for a sermon on a subject that has long interested me. As the previous commenter Angela said, this is a powerful sermon. I hope you keep putting more sermons on this site, and don't let anyone get you down with criticism. I'm anxious to hear more of your sermons. God Bless and keep you!
An anitdote to the effeminate spirit of this age! By what should a Christian guide his life, by his reason or by his emotion? The world will tell you to trust your feelings. The modern churches will tell you that “faith” is blind and the leading of the Holy Spirit is determined by what you feel. This sermon proves from the bible that Christian’s should be guided by their reason as enlightened by the Holy Ghost via the word of God, not led by their feelings. The anti-intellectualism of modern Christianity is not biblical at all, but is rather a satanic spirit of Eastern mysticism.
This preaching is fiery and fundamental, and is a good antidote to the lukewarm and effeminate preaching that characterizes so much of modern Christianity. Every Christian needs to hear this truth from the bible.
Great danger. Good warning and reminder of the fact that God's will for His people is to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him, not to seek mystical unions with the divine that blocks the mind. Good Bible proofs. However, I do not agree with the interpretation given on Matthew 7:21.
Great Sermon! Thank you Dr. Dixon for this powerful sermon about baptism; this really opened my eyes to a lot of things that I have been mistaught for years! God bless you!
Great Sermon! Wow! That was interesting sermon. I am going through a tough time with a cross-dressing husband (who says he wants to stop, for me). So, this was very interesting to me.
You can imagine what will be happening in my kitchen after hearing all this!
It does sound a little radical, but not if you think of Satan as the enemy. How convenient it would be if all the men were passive.
Great Sermon! A powerful message that shows the
real meaning of letting our spirit
lead us, and let our emotions
surrender to our spirit that is
built on the truth of Jesus Christ.
Psychology Is Of The Devil! For much more on the many dangers of Psychology please see the sermonaudio blog titled "Secular Psychology and "Christian" Psychology Versus Biblical Counseling (FREE MP3s, Books and Articles)" at .
Great Sermon! Always a good thing to be reminded about the consequences of sinning in this area. It's not just a message for single men, either. And after describing bad women in all their ways, Faust adds that men could also be guilty of being the aggressors (using flattery, etc.) in such cases. Interesting comments about the word 'predator,' too.
This sermon reminded me of a story I heard about a pastor who said his church was growing for awhile even as he secretly engaged in adultery. Eventually, his life came apart. One of the lessons: Do NOT take the long suffering of God as indifference on His part toward your sin.
Great Sermon! A very interesting and informative sermon. Never realized how far back the planning for the destruction of the church really went. Scary days we live in today. God Bless
Great Sermon! A must hear for all single men. Every word is the truth. Trust me when I say that because I have lived it. I'm pretty sure that I am not alone. I thank God for His mercy.