Great Sermon! Thanks Dr. Jim for opening a whole new avanue of study concerning the prophetic names that were given to Jacob's sons and daughter. What a great Bible lesson.
Great Bible Class I really enjoyed this class. It helped me to understand the term the Word of God to a much greater extent. Thanks Dr. Jim for another great class.
great album I have really enjoyed this album of old time gospel music. My classes love it because I play this cd before each class starts. Thanks Jimmy for your effort in putting out such a fine collection of gospel songs.
Great Sermon! This is a great sermon from the Greek language prooving the Deity of Jesus Christ. This is one of Jim's greatest messages. Thanks again Dr. Jim for another great Bible lesson.
Great Sermon! What a very fantastic message on the Trinity, security of the beleiver, and what a wonderful word study from the original languages. Thanks again Dr. Jim
Great Book! This is a great story, a saga of human and animal devotion and love that transends across the species of man and animals. Animals that were in love with each others company and loved and studied each others habits and and traits. What a touching experience and it is all true. I saw it happen. Good job Jim it is a epitaph and biography of some very special animals and how they intereacted and loved each other and Jim their hero.
Great History Lesson This is a great class and I enjoyed listenening to all the Church history classes. I am a freshman in High School and I really enjoy teaching my friends what I learned in these classes. They think that I am really smart.
Great Book! I really love these stories and what they mean to other Native American people. These stories make me pround to be Native America. I have read these stories nearly all my life and they are a part of me and I would not be the same person without knowing them. Thanks Traveling Dog for giving us the history and the soul of the people back to us in these touching stories. I hope that they touch other peoples lives like they have mine.
Great Book! This is probably the greatest little book that I have ever read in my life. Every little story is a great fantastic spiritual experience. The story WHEN THE OWL CALLS YOUR NAME is probably my favorite. Thanks Jim for another fantastic book. I cannot wait for the sequel. Please hurry and get it printed.
Great History Lesson This history lesson ties all of the history of religious conflict together and allows you to ubderstand WHY it happened. Thanks Dr. Jim for some great insight into church history.
Great Bible Lesson Thanks Dr. Jim for a GREAT lesson on history of the Bible and the languages in which the Bible was written.I learned so much from this hour long lesson. This is like a readers digest version of the history of the Bible and Bible languages all rolled into one short class.
Great Sermon! I don't comment on my own messages very often but this is one that I would like to clarify a little. We discused the history of the Nephilim and other related subjects and I laced into this discussion and experiece that I had when my son and I encountered a specimen of the infamous BIGFOOT. I would probably have thought that I was seeing things if my son Jimmy had not been with me. When we got up to the place where the thing had crossed the road in front of us I stopped and looked at my son and said, " Did you see anything cross the road in front of us right here?" he said hysterically, "What did you you see?" and I said, "What did you see?" over and over again we were both in shock.Well you can hear the rest of the story during this class. By the way we both made our reports to the Big Foot research committee findings. I do not ever want to see one of those things again, and did not want to see it then. My son Jimmy says he wants to see one just one more time before he believes what he saw. Dr. James Phillips