Politically-Incorrect but true! What is unfortunate is that many of the most conservative (including "reformed") pastors today have capitulated to the democratic and humanistic philosophy of a pretended "equality" as well as the pragmatism of (materialistic) "necessity". It is pastors who are afraid to teach this and, in fact, openly mock this clear position as if "workers at home" were stricken from their Bibles.
Younger pastors especially have their wives working outside the home to supplement their very modest salaries, so are leading by wrong example in total lockstep with the world. Thus, while most churches claim to oppose Feminism they practically are submitting to and embracing it entirely in their families. This is destroying families and marriages, and children are sacrificed on the alter of Money-loving and "lifestyle". Divorce rates are equal with that of non-Christians as wives roam around in the world apart from their Bible instructed duties, while it is considered "normal".
Great Sermon! Per the last Q&A: What's enabled "people to get married and not have children" which is driving "society to literally fly apart at the seams" today? Whatever this is, shouldn't Dr. MacArthur and Grace Community Church ban it?
Great Sermon! I really liked Parts 1 & 2 of this sermon/series. It shows that both men should be true heroes to God rather than themselves, and to trust in Him.
Keep up the good work!
God bless you!!
Confronting Catholics with the Truth. Catholics will most likely not enter Sermon Audio to hear this message...
So I give thanks that the Speaker has enabled 'us' with this message to confront catholics with there own beliefs. Then ask them to find the scriptual basis of this truth....they can not.
You can not save someone without first 'emotionally' disturbing their centre of gravity. And you don't need to argue with them...just ask them to describe what the Pope means to their salvation and then ask them why Purgatory is required....
Catholics are the biggest cult that needs to be saved. The best way to do this is to ask simple questions then just shut up.....ultimately they lead themselves to the place of appalling anxiety,dis-ease and unsurity of their salvation......only then can you share the truth with them.....
To save a catholic means listening alot..saying little.
One has to be very patient and wise ..perhaps cunning is a better word.
Questions are the Answer.
Knowledge is Power.
Great Sermon! I liked Parts 1 & 2 of this sermon/series. I really like heroes, but I know that the true hero is Jesus Christ, who is God.
I am 30 years old in a wheelchair. I was born this way. My Dad, Jim Lazo introduced me to you a while ago, and I love the way you teach and preach about the Bible with one verse at a time.
Keep up the good work!
Great Sermon! If you don't have the "gift of singleness," wouldn't this mean that the average single is "burning with passion" from puberty (age 13) until marriage (age 28)? If you can remain chaste for these 15 years, why not also for multiple sets of 15 years? In the final analysis, all modern unmarried Christians have been given the gift of singleness. Otherwise the pregnancy and abortion rates in 20-something singles' groups would skyrocketing.
Great Sermon! Over the past 13 years, I've been constantly drawn to Dr. MacArthur's messages. Before I was saved 13 years ago, I was not attracted to his teaching style. As a Black man, I was brought up in a traditional "animated" Baptist church full of emotion, but not clear teaching. Since our Lord saved me, I've not been able to get enough clear expounding! Dr. MacArthur's ministry REALLY helps satisfy the thirst of true Christians. This message is another "keeper".
Great Sermon! I needed to hear this message! I am convicted of my unthankful heart and encouraged to repent. I pray that I, and all who listen, will be filled with the Spirit and give thanks at all times!