Wonderful Word from GOD!! GOD speaks wonderful words of Comfort to His people, words that we thurst to hear, telling us that our warfare is accomplished , that we are pardoned from Hell and ALL our sin is forgiven!! How GREAT is His love for us, seeing that we do not derserve His mercy!! What Wonder, what Grace that GOD would provide Himself as The sacrificial Lamb to put away our sin and clothe us in His Spotless Robe of Righteousness!! Thank you Pastor Fortner for being our messenger from God to preach to us this Good News and Tidings of Great Joy!! May God continue to use you in a great way to feed His sheep!! Num 6:24-26.
Wonderful Sermon! GOD promises to be with us through the great waters and the fiery furnaces of this life! What a great blessing Pastor Don Fortner has been in our life over the many years as he has faithfully preached the Word of GOD with boldness and without compromise...The Gospel of Salvation thru the Work and Worth of Jesus Christ ALONE, it is Salvation without ANY 'goodness' or works contributed by mankind! Our best goodness or righteousness is declared by GOD to be a filthy rag and a stench in HIS nose! What Mercy and Grace that HE would condescend to be the sacrifice and propitiation for such wretches as we are! Thank you Pastor Don for all your labors of love in the Work of The Gospel of GOD'S Free and Sovereign Grace, may GOD continue to shower you with His LOVE..we give GOD ALL The GLORY!!
Great Sermon! Amazing grace, how can it be...
what s blessing this messsg has been to me - thank you pastor fortnee for your years of faithful service to King Jesus