Excellent Sermon! It is an indisputable fact that we must all leave this world and enter into eternity. Our departure from this world will be a moment of supreme importance, yet, if we fail to prepare for it, it will be the most disastrous moment of our lives, as we enter into an eternity of everlasting torment and regret. Do not fail to prepare for this great event! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of your soul, and live for Him, and you will be prepared for an eternity of everlasting joy in His presence!
Great Sermon! If we live for the things of this world, we will come to a time when all we have lived for is slipping away from us, and is then gone. But if we live for God and for Heaven, then we have a portion which we can never lose, and to which we are always drawing ever nearer. Be wise, and live for that which is everlasting!
"For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out."Â I Timothy 6:7
Great Sermon! Many assume that the form of church government is a matter of indifference, and that it can be ordered according to mere human wisdom and convenience. However, Christ bought His church with His dying love, and, as her King and Head, has appointed a form of government for her in Scripture, so that to ignore Christ's appointed form of church government is to despise both His authority and His love. In this sermon, Pastor Silversides demonstrates the biblical foundations of presbyterian church government, which is alone the form of church government appointed by Jesus Christ, and hence of Divine right.
Great Sermon! "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32
The Christian believer possesses safety and security in the love of God the Father, both for time, and for eternity. What an immense blessing and privilege this is, and how we should rest securely in it, trusting our Heavenly Father for all things, and praising and glorifying Him for His amazing goodness and love towards us!
Great Sermon! Since God has foreordained all things, why does He command us to pray? This sermon answers this question about prayer, and many more. Very helpful!
Great Sermon! What a comfort and a joy to know that our God, who has given us His own Son, will also give us everything else that we need in this life!
Great Sermon! In a day of doctrinal confusion and disunity, this sermon lays down principles of biblical interpretation which can help the believer to correctly understand God's Word, and which, if followed, can lead to a greater unity in the truth among the people of God.
Great Sermon! Our God shows His care for even the most insignificant of His creations, and promises to provide for the needs of all His children. Yet we are still plagued with sinful anxieties about His provision for us. This sermon gives excellent instruction on how to mortify this sin of habitual anxiety.
Great Sermon! A valuable lesson concerning the fleeting nature of worldly wealth and possessions versus the true, everlasting riches to be had in Christ!
Great Sermon! Have you ever wondered what the "unpardonable sin" really is? The term is a misnomer, but Pastor Silversides faithfully teaches the truth about this sin!
Great Sermon! The sovereign and mighty God of the Bible is well worth our service. We should be ready to proclaim our faith in Him to the watching world, despite their hatred of Him, and be willing to suffer gladly any persecution that might arise!
Great Sermon! Pastor Silversides preaches an outstanding sermon on the life and principles of the Covenanter, Alexander Peden, in which Peden's true principles are exhibited. A true hero of the faith!
Great Sermon! With characteristic clarity and vigour, Pastor Silversides sets forth the cessationist position concerning the charismatic gifts of the Spirit! Excellent!
Great Sermon! Belief in the sovereignty of God, the God who has even the sparrows under his watch and care, enables us to enjoy peace and comfort in this fallen and sinful world. Unbelievers live in secret despair without hope in the world, but believers have good reason to face all things in this life, and even death itself, with the assurance that their loving God is in control of all things and is working all things out for their good and for His glory.
Great Sermon! There is no better, kinder, or more loving Shepherd than Jesus Christ. He provides special care to those of His flock in their feeding, nurture, and protection. Are you one of the lambs of Christ's flock? Does Christ provide you with special protection, feed you with the choicest truths, and carry you over the rough ground? Come to Him in faith, and He will receive you and care for you as one of the precious lambs of His flock.