We believe that the Bible is the infallibly and inerrantly inspired word of God and that the message therein is well summarized in the Three Forms of Unity: the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordt.
Service Times
Sunday Services ... 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
-- sermons by speaker -- Barnhill, Ryan 3 Bleyenberg, Heath 7 Bruinsma, Wilbur 5 Cammenga, Ronald 46 Connors, Chris 1 De Vries, M. 10 DeBoer, Matthew 1 Decker, N 3 den Hartog, Arie 506 Devries, M. 1 DeVries, Michael 1 Dykstra, Russell 37 Engelsma, D. 27 Engelsma, Joshua 3 Eriks, Garrett 11 Griess 4 Griess, C. 10 Griess, Cory 1 Gritters, Barry 52 Guichelaar, Erik 4 Haak, C. 1 Haak, Carl 6 Hanko, Herman 24 Holstege, Daniel 2 Holstege, Joe 6 Huizinga, Brian 21 Ibe, Vernon 2 Key, Steven 2 Kleyn, Daniel 2 Kleyn, Rodney 2 Koole, Kenneth 19 Kortus, M. 1 Kuiper, D. 4 Kuiper, Douglas 21 Kuiper, Douglas 4 Langerak, Jonathan 1 Langerak, N 2 Langerak, William 4 Laning, J. 1 Laning, James 2 Lanning, Andrew 1 Lee, Dennis 2 Mahtani, Jon 2 Mahtani, Jon 6 Marcus, John 2 McGeown, Martyn 12 Noorman, David 531 Overway 3 Slopsema, James 13 Smidstra, Justin 3 Smit, R. 1 Smit, Richard 2 Spriensma, Audred 6 Spronk, Clayton 6 Stewart, Angus 2 Terpstra, Charles 1 Van Overloop, Ronald 5 VanderWal, Martin 6 Woudenberg, Bernard 1
Protestant Reformed
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Member Since
January 2011