We at the Sovereign Grace Church assemble ourselves together in obedience to the word of God. To worship Him in spiritual songs, to pray and read the holy scriptures, and to preach the gospel of the grace of Christ; and by these means to edify one another, and seek the salvation of the lost. We do this with the full and humble confidence that the Lord Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit of God, is in our midst. Every one is welcome to attend our services and set with us as we reverently seek to worship God according to the rule of his infallible word.
Service Times
Sunday Morning Service - 10:30 AM Wednesday Evening - 6:30 PM
Primary Speaker: Bruce CrabtreeBruce Crabtree is pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, 1806 Hunter Avenue, P.O. Box 293, New Castle, IN 47362. Telephone (765) 755-3355 or (765) 529-6530. | more..
We hear from people everywhere who download or listen to messages from our church. I just got a call from a lady in China who listens often. I also have received letters recently from people in Utah and KY. SermonAudio is one of the best ways for getting out the gospel. It is an excellent, inexpensive resource for any church.
I was born September 4, 1950 in Monterey Tenn.. Being born a sinner by nature, I continued dead in sin until 1973. Though I felt many convictions for sin during my young years, and though I often made many promises to God that I would mend my life if..
DEAR SOUL, WILL YOU DIE WITHOUT JESUS THE SAVIOR? There you sit, dear soul, not in the congregation where the Lord's people are gathered to worship - you seldom if ever attend where the gospel is preached and God is publically worshipped in the a..