The human body is by far the most complex organic creation of God. It is marvelous complex, and yet unified. As a unit it cannot be subdivided into several bodies. If it is divided, the part that is cut off ceases to function and die. And the rest of the body loses some of its function and effectiveness. So that when all the parts of the body are working together, each fulfilling its purpose, the body functions properly, grows, and matures--and we experience physical health and wellbeing. So it is with the church, the visible, spiritual body of Christ. If you have a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, you are part of the body of Christ! The church, as a living organism, has both unity and diversity. We are one body, but many members. each believer has a particular function to perform and is therefore essential for the health of the church. Failing to function cripples and destroys the body. So then, as a member of the body of Christ, we should treat other members in such a way as to promote unity and equal concern. On the local level, we are to be an EQUAL CARE CHURCH, where every person matters not just to God, but to us. And every person receives our attention and care in appropriate ways. So we can celebrate our diversity, but at the same time embrace are unity as one body-many members. |