Open Hearts for Open Doors
Praying for Open Doors
I love how he asked the church to pray over him while in jail for preaching the gospel. That God would open the door for the word to flow and glow and that when he proclaimed it, it would be with great authority, accuracy, affirmation and affection (Colossians 4)
Paul evidently believed there was great power in praying for others. He wasnt just sayin this to sound "spiritual" and appeal to the people, he lived this way.
"Without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day." (2 Timothy  1:3.)
Think about it? When a man in prison for the gospel is asking others to pray for an open door for the word of God to go forth (the very thing that caused men to put him in prison), you think we ought to be asking others to pray for us as we pray for our brethren to see many doors open for God's word to touch and transform lives? 
 When a man, who taught us more about the gospel than any other New Testament writer, is asking for prayer that he may proclaim the message of God and His redeeming grace, when He does open the door, with accuracy and authority, do you think it would be wise if we asked others to pray that we do the same? 
 When a man behind bars is encouraging others, that may or may not be behind bars, to redeem the time and take advantage of every opportunity God gives them by walking in wisdom, worshipping in spirit and truth and witnessing with passion and purpose, should we be looking for those doors to open for us? 
 When a man in chains reminds us to season our message with a testimony of a transformed life and how the gospel of Christ and His truth has effected every aspect of our lives, you think we |