He was vehement, "I would NEVER leave a public toilet in such a mess!" As person after person chimed in, they all agreed that the mystery persons who made such a mess of public conveniences were a rare and uncultured breed, worthy of the response of disgust they drew down upon themselves.
Out of all of the comments on that particular internet forum, one woman insisted, "I would never do something like that to someone else!"
Sadly, this is the attitude with which the religious world is soaked. We are religious, we are moral, we are reasonable, we would NEVER do the filty things Paul has listed in Romans 1. We would NEVER be more taken up with money than with God. We would NEVER be so consumed by sexual promiscuity that we would fail to worship God. We would NEVER fall to the depths of homosexual sin. We would NEVER fall into the depravity of actually hating God. No, we are above that.
Yet, this is God's accusation; and even in the face of GOD's accusation, a religious person maintains his own integrity. God, he supposes, must have made a mistake in his case.
Consider how God silences the billions of self-justifying voices, all protesting at the same time, as we complete this first section in Paul's letter to the Romans. |