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Tim Conway
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What about Divorce and Remarriage?
Series:  God, Church, Family  · 7 of 36
6/13/2010 (SUN)
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Is Matthew 19 talking about betrothal or marriage? What is the context?
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Tim Conway
Divorce and Remarriage

God, Church, Family
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Grace Community Church
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Tim Conway
Divorce and Remarriage

God, Church, Family
Grace Community Church
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Benjamin formerly Mephibosheth (9/10/2020)
from The King's Table
“ Dignity and Beauty ”
Betrothal bespeaks a lifetime of Dignity and Beauty. Whether betrothed, married, single, divorced or widowed make every interaction scented with Dignity and Beauty.

Benjamin formerly Mephibosheth (9/3/2020)
from The King's Table
“ Betrothal and Sexual Sanity ”
Please See "Biblical Intimacy" By David McClelland also free on SermonAudio

Benjamin formerly Mephibosheth (8/27/2020)
from The King's Table
“ Betrothal is The Foundation and Starting Point ”
Betrothal ... As I understand Betrothal ... The Man and Woman meet and greet under supervision and determine their suitability towards one another ... After sufficient supervised meetings and prayer they determine if they are suitable lifetime companions/lovers for each other ... If they both deem it a yes they 1st commit to marriage and then share a moderate courtship together further confirming their compatability this too is supervised thereby providing no provision for The Flesh ... The 1st time they kiss each other is on their wedding night

Benjamin formerly Mephibosheth (8/20/2020)
from The King's Table
“ It Is A Wonderful Sight To See. ”
A married couple holding hands, walking together, smiling together, sitting together, eating together. My married neighbors I fondly admire and observe from a distance the following when the snow falls there are 2 shovels shoveling together, leaves fall 2 rakes raking together, grass grows 2 mowers mowing together, shopping 2 shoppers shopping together, meal time 2 cooks cooking together, clean up time 2 wash clothes cleaning together, they are inseparable, this is the essence of Leave and Cleave, the examples I provided are cleave small c, they are cleaving small c 24 x 7, I don't know there Cleave big C life but I submit that their the small c cleaving had great impact on their large C Cleave life. A lifetime of loving and being loved who would want anything other than till death do us part.

JD Saved by Grace (5/30/2020)
from Florida
“ Thank you ”
Unpardonable sin??? Is this another unpardonable sin?

Steve TattershallContact via email (12/27/2018)
from Bridport Uk
“ Permanent View is Biblical ”
Another permanent view of marriage which I am convinced is the only true biblical position of marriage is also wonderfully upheld by Voddie Baucham and his sermons and the issue of marriage and divorce can be heard which is overwhelmingly convincing. A must listen sermon which may help give light to this difficult issue

TruthChristians (12/26/2018)
“ Believe Christ's Word first ”
37:00 42:00 So much passion in rejecting God's Word. Christ was lying? Matt 19:6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate. Matt 1:19-20 Joseph, her HUSBAND, being a righteous man, and not willing to make her a public example, intended to DIVORCE her secretly. 20 But when he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take to yourself Mary, YOUR WIFE, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. Listen to Richard Caldwell - the only permanence pastor found so far on SermonAudio. Fornication is unlawful intercourse before marriage, as is still the legal definition.

MargaretContact via email (12/6/2011)
from Balto. MD
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hello, Just listened to this sermon. I agree with all you said. It does bring one thing to mind for me, which is 1 Cor.7:15 I'm curious about that verse. It sounds like if an unbeliever leaves, and you cannot stop says the "believing" man or woman is not bound in such circumstances.. What about if the spouse who leaves is a proclaiming Christian, couldn't you say that they are not or they would follow God's commands. Also, in the verses about allowing divorce due to adultery, what would you say to the verse (Matt.5:27) when Jesus talks about looking lustfully at another has already committed adultery? This stuff can go on and on with digging into different verses. My personal ideas are believing in forgiveness. I think that both people are probably not living up to what they should be in the marriage if adultery occurs too. (1 Cor. chpt. 7) Some people look for loop holes. Thanks for a very great sermon! I enjoy listening to many of your sermons and they've helped me grow a lot.

Karen (1/1/2011)
from United States
“ Clarification ”
Also, these two people were Christians when this happened.

Karen (1/1/2011)
from United States
“ Great Sermon! ”
What about 2 people who divorced their spouses to get remarried to each other and have been that way for 17 years. My ex-spouse has passed away, but his is still living and got remarried also??? What a mess we made, repented (or did we still being married??)

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  Tim Conway
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