The Transforming Effects of God's Message
"Arise and depart, for this is not your rest... because it is defiled, it shall destroy [you], yes, with utter destruction." (Micah 2:10)
"Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?" (Micah 2:7)
Good intentions, from sincere people, that are not led and fed by the Lord, have absolutely no eternal value and will eventually mislead others to live and do life without hearing first from the Lord. Good intentions, of any kind, no matter their motive, are still lies WHEN they're NOT rooted in truth. We can't let our reasoning give us a REASON to say, "We said..." rather than "God said!" Good intentions are never a legitimate excuse for failing to seek, trust and obey the Lord. Those on the east side of the Jordan said, "Therefore, we said, "Let us now prepare to build ourselves and alter, not for burnt offering nor for sacrifice, but that it may be a witness..." (Joshua 22:26-27). It sounds noble but keep in mind... they said, "We said..." and not "God said..."
That's why Proverbs 3:5-6 is NOT a mere suggestion but a way of life for the disciple of the Lord.
The Lord said, "Commit to the Lord, right now, with all that you are and all that you have. It's important to not get stuck in what you know, or what you experienced yesterday, and don't hold on to what you understand about the situation, your view is limited, but He sees it all. Seek Him, in everything you do, and ask Him what to do next and then trust what He says. Yes, trust Him with everything, with the big and the small, the significant and insignificant, the natural and supernatural, and in everything you do, He will give you clarity, direction and confidence |