Love, we learn, is the greatest of all virtues. But that being said, what is love, how can it be described?
We are to love not just in word only, but in action also. It is not just feelings, and we should also understand that it involves cost, something which is not just in money. It can be in time, involve our friendships, and the help we may give to others, be it a smile, some sympathy, our support, or some gesture which may be an encouragement to someone.
Love is expressed when we are together in our church fellowships. Indeed, where true biblical love exists there dwells the Holy Spirit of God. If a person exibits not love, it is questionable whether they are a Christian at all. Are we not commanded to 'do good to those who are of the household of faith!'
So then, are you making progress in love, to The Lord first of all, but also to others. |