The "Boaz" of Briggs Chapel
A tribute to a friend and faithful servant to our King, His kingdom, his family and all he ever met.
Brother Bill Briggs Home Going Service (January 30, 2019)
We all preach our own funerals by the life we lived. Some just preach a better message than others. Bill preached a great one...
Today, two years later, our hearts are still heavy in our loss... yet, our spirits, though they are weighty, we rejoice in the beauty of God's fresh mercies, the wonder of His sure and steadfast love, His matchless grace and His irreplaceable presence and favor. Many of our questions are still unanswered — BUT — we are not without hope, we are covered and blanketed with comfort, we are overwhelmed with grace, encouraged by the promises of God and in spite of the confusion, I still hear the Shepherd say, "Come to Me, all you who are laboring on your own in this, you who are weighed down with this load, you have NOT been designed to carry this burden all alone. I can hear Him say, Come to Me, and I'll give you rest. I'm not going to give you rest FROM this, but I'll give you rest IN this. Trust Me, take My yoke upon you and let Me bear you up, learn from Me, don't fight it, for I'm gentle and humbly accept My race, and what I will give you will help you. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Why? He embraced the all that was set before Him... He trusted His Master, His Father, and had rest IN the labor, not rest FROM the labor of glorifying God in a dark world of death and despair. (Matthew 11:27)
One of Bills' favorite passages was Psalm 34:1-3. He put that section of Scripture to memory.
"I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually |