The Probability of the Impossible Exodus 6:1-9 After Moses' first appointment with Pharaoh, matters became worse for Moses and the Israelites in Egypt. Pharaoh got meaner. Provisions got leaner. (They had to get their own straw) The Prophet Moses' complaints got keener. Why Lord? What are you doing? God encourages His man and tells Moses, "NOW, see what I will do. I have established and remembered my covenant. I have heard their groaning." The impossible will now become possible. The Lord indicates this truth to Moses by His seven "I will's." Moses told the Lord, "Since I have done what you told me to do, events have gotten worse and you have not done what I expected. The people are not delivered!" The Christian life is not a playground, but a battleground. It is not a merry-go-round where we can goof-around. When you understand that the Christian life involves spiritual warfare, you will begin to understand the trials, battles, victories, defeats, wounds, pain, failures, ups and downs. We really are in a war! Understand that some Christians may fall into sin as they have been struck by satanic darts. They may willingly be deceived and fall into sin. Satan is out to destroy them, and he is good at doing this, but we are to try to restore them. That little bird somehow knows that when it begins to get cold, for its own health, it's best to leave far Northern Canada and migrate across the United States and the Gulf of Mexico, all the way to the Panama Canal Zone. It knows when to turn around and go back. Just an accident? Jesus points to the birds and says, "Look at God's concern for that small creature—and learn." Beloved, God's care is certain, even in uncertain times. |