Speaker: Gregory A. Miller
4,514 sermons
The Time Is At Hand (Revelation 22:6-10) 2 of 2
Just because it's been 2,000 years since the time of Jesus and we are still here, some say, "The time has been at hand... for 2 millennia??" We are going to put that phrase, "The Time Is At Hand," IN CONTEXT and see that we are getting CLOSE to the end of this wicked world system and about to begin living ETERNALLY in the presence of our righteous God in a perfect world where Jesus RULES. http://bbfohio.com http://bbfohioradio.com
>Introduction to Revelation I - 3/7/2012 Introducing Jesus - 4/11/2012 Discerning The Trumpets - 4/18/2012 7 Stars & Candlesticks - 5/2/2012 The Church At Ephesus - 5/9/2012 The Church At Ephesus - 5/9/2012 The Church at Smyrna - 5/16/2012 The Church at Pergamos - 6/6/2012 The Church at Pergamos 2 - 6/6/2012 The Church At Thyatira 1 of 2 - 6/13/2012 The Church At Thyatira 2 of 2 - 6/13/2012 The Church at Sardis - 6/20/2012 The Church at Sardis 2 of 2 - 6/20/2012 The Church at Philadelphia 1 - 7/11/2012 The Church at Philadelphia 2 - 7/11/2012 The Church at Laodicea 1 of 2 - 7/18/2012 The Church at Laodicea 2 of 2 - 7/18/2012 Love & Chastisement 1 of 2 - 7/29/2012 Love & Chastisement 2 of 2 - 7/29/2012 The Rapture 1 of 2 - 8/8/2012 The Rapture 2 of 2 - 8/8/2012 The 24 Elders 1 of 2 - 8/15/2012 The 24 Elders 2 of 2 - 8/15/2012 The Heavenly Tabernacle 1 of 2 - 8/22/2012 The Heavenly Tabernacle 2 of 2 - 8/22/2012 025 The Imminent Rapture 1 - 8/29/2012 026 The Imminent Rapture 2 - 8/29/2012 The Lion & The Lamb 1 of 2 - 9/5/2012 The Lion & The Lamb 2 - 9/5/2012 Worthy Is The Lamb 1 of 2 - 9/12/2012 Worthy Is The Lamb 2 of 2 - 9/12/2012 031 The Pope Is Antichrist 1 - 9/19/2012 032 The Pope Is Antichrist 2 - 9/19/2012 First 4 Seals: 4 Horsemen - 9/26/2012 First 4 Seals: 4 Horsemen 2 - 9/26/2012 The Fifth & Sixth Seals - 10/3/2012 Signs In The Skies - 10/10/2012 Signs In The Skies 2 of 2 - 10/10/2012 Underground Bunkers 1 of 2 - 10/17/2012 Underground Bunkers 2 of 2 - 10/17/2012 The 144,000 (Rev 7:1-10) 1 - 10/24/2012 The 144000 (Rev 7:1-10) 2 - 10/24/2012 Great Tribulation Martyrs - 11/7/2012 7th Seal 7th Trumpets 1 of 2 - 11/21/2012 7th Seal: 7 Trumpets 2 of 2 - 11/21/2012 The First Four Judgments - 11/28/2012 A Star, Key, & Bottomless Pit - 1/2/2013 The Fifth Trumpet... 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9/11/2013 The Identity of the Beast 2 - 9/11/2013 How To Identify The Beast 1 - 9/18/2013 How To Identify The Beast 2 - 9/18/2013 The Mark: Eternal Damnation 1 - 10/16/2013 The Mark: Eternal Damnation 2 - 10/16/2013 The Second Beast Part 1 of 2 - 10/23/2013 The Second Beast - 10/23/2013 The Mark of the Beast - 11/6/2013 Pope Is NOT False Prophet 1 - 11/13/2013 Pope Is NOT False Prophet 2 - 11/14/2013 The 144000 In Glory - 12/4/2013 The Everlasting Gospel - 12/11/2013 The Three Angels (Revelation 1 - 1/8/2014 The Three Angels 2 of 2 - 1/8/2014 The Great Winepress - 1/15/2014 The Sea of Glass 1 - 1/22/2014 The Sea of Glass 2 of 2 - 1/22/2014 The Heavenly Temple (Rev 15) - 2/5/2014 The Vial Judgments (Rev. 16) - 3/19/2014 Behold I Come As A Thief - 4/9/2014 Armageddon (Revelation 16:16) - 4/23/2014 The Battle At Armageddon 1 - 5/7/2014 The Battle At Armageddon 2 - 5/7/2014 The 7th Vial (Rev 16:17-21) - 5/21/2014 The Great Whore 1 of 2 - 6/4/2014 The Great Whore 2 of 2 - 6/4/2014 Fornication With Great Whore 1 - 6/18/2014 Fornication w/Great Whore II 1 - 7/2/2014 Fornication w/Great Whore II 2 - 7/2/2014 Drunk With Wine of Fornication - 7/9/2014 A Woman Rides The Beast - 7/16/2014 Full of Names of Blasphemy - 8/6/2014 The 7 Heads and 10 Horns - 8/20/2014 The Woman of Purple & Scarlet - 9/3/2014 The Golden Cup - 9/17/2014 Mystery Babylon - 11/19/2014 The Mother of Harlots 1 of 2 - 12/3/2014 The Mother of Harlots 2 - 12/3/2014 The Bloody Woman 1 of 2 - 1/14/2015 The Bloody Woman 2 of 2 - 1/14/2015 The Mystery of the Beast - 4/1/2015 The City On Seven Mountains - 4/8/2015 The 8th King (Rev 17:10) - 5/13/2015 The Islamic Mahdi 1 of 2 - 6/3/2015 The Islamic Mahdi 2 of 2 - 6/3/2015 Debunking Islam Antichrist 1 - 6/10/2015 Debunking Islamic Antichrist 2 - 6/10/2015 The Coming World Religion 1 - 7/8/2015 The Coming World Religion 2 - 7/8/2015 Revelation 17:16-18 part 1 - 7/22/2015 Revelation 17:16-18 part 2 - 7/22/2015 Revelation 17:18 (1 of 2) - 8/5/2015 Revelation 17:18 (2 of 2) - 8/5/2015 Revelation 18:1-3 (1 of 2) - 9/9/2015 Revelation 18:1-3 (1 of 2) - 9/9/2015 The Jesuit Devils 1 of 2 - 9/16/2015 The Jesuit Devils 2 of 2 - 9/16/2015 Come Out of Her My People 1 - 9/23/2015 Come Out of Her My People 2 - 9/23/2015 The Whore Sits As A Queen 1 - 10/21/2015 The Whore Sits As A Queen 2 - 10/21/2015 The Smoke Of Her Burning 1 - 11/4/2015 The Smoke Of Her Burning 2 - 11/4/2015 The Wealth of the Vatican 1 - 12/2/2015 The Wealth of the Vatican 2 - 12/2/2015 The End of the Vatican Whore 1 - 12/9/2015 The End of the Vatican Whore 2 - 12/9/2015 A Final Word About The Whore 1 - 1/20/2016 A Final Word About The Whore 2 - 1/20/2016 Heaven Prepares For 2nd Coming - 2/3/2016 The Marriage Supper the Lamb - 2/10/2016 The Appearance of the Word - 2/17/2016 A Day of Reckoning - 3/9/2016 147 Satan Bound 1,000 Years 1 - 3/16/2016 148 Satan Bound 1,000 Years 2 - 3/16/2016 149 Satan Bound In The Pit 1 - 3/23/2016 150 Satan Bound In The Pit 2 - 3/23/2016 151 Ruling & Reigning W/Jesus - 4/6/2016 152 The First Resurrection 1 - 4/13/2016 153 The First Resurrection 2 - 4/13/2016 154 The Last Rebellion 1 - 4/20/2016 The Last Rebellion 2 - 4/20/2016 The Millennial Kingdom 1 of 2 - 5/4/2016 The Millennial Kingdom 2 of 2 - 5/4/2016 Life In Millennial Kingdom 1 - 5/11/2016 Life In Millennial Kingdom 2 - 5/11/2016 The Millennial Government 1 - 5/18/2016 161The Millennial Government 2 - 5/18/2016 Conditions In The Millennial 1 - 6/1/2016 Conditions In The Millennial 2 - 6/1/2016 Animal Sacrifice In The 1 of 2 - 6/15/2016 Animal Sacrifice In The 2 of 2 - 6/15/2016 Millennial Kingdom Population - 7/13/2016 The Population of the Mill 2 - 7/13/2016 The Millennial Jewish King 1 - 8/3/2016 The Millennial Jewish King 2 - 8/3/2016 The Lake of Fire 1 of 2 - 8/24/2016 The Lake of Fire 2 of 2 - 8/24/2016 A New Heaven and New Earth 1 - 9/7/2016 A New Heaven and New Earth 2 - 9/7/2016 Life W/God vs Lake of Fire 1 - 10/12/2016 Life W/God vs Lake of Fire 2 - 10/12/2016 176 Who Goes To Lake of Fire 1 - 10/19/2016 177 Who Goes To Lake of Fire 2 - 10/19/2016 178 Annihilation vs Eternal 1 - 11/2/2016 179 Annihilation vs Torment 2 - 11/2/2016 Introducing The Bride... 1 - 11/16/2016 Introducing The Bride... 2 - 11/16/2016 The City of God (Revelation.. - 12/7/2016 The City of God (Revelation.. - 12/7/2016 A Day In Paradise.. - 1/4/2017 A Day In Paradise.. - 1/4/2017 The 3 Stage Revelation... 1 - 1/11/2017 The 3 Stage Revelation... 2 - 1/11/2017 The Time Is At Hand.. - 1/18/2017 The Time Is At Hand.. - 1/18/2017 The Basic Conditions of.. - 2/1/2017 The Basic Conditions of.. - 2/1/2017 The Testimony of Jesus.. - 2/8/2017 The Testimony of Jesus.. - 2/8/2017 Whosoever Will (Rev 22:1) 1 - 3/1/2017 Whosoever Will (Rev 22:1) 2 - 3/1/2017 God's Final Warning 1 - 3/15/2017 God's Final Warning 2 - 3/15/2017 The End (Revelation) 1 of 2 - 3/22/2017 The End (Revelation) 2 of 2 - 3/22/2017
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