Speaker: Gregory A. Miller
4,515 sermons
The 3 Stage Revelation of New Jerusalem (Revelation 22:2-3) 2 of 2
We will track the Biblical "three stage Revelation" of New Jerusalem. This will help you understand the various texts speaking of Jerusalem in Scripture. http://bbfohio.com http://bbfohioradio.com
>Introduction to Revelation I - 3/7/2012 Introducing Jesus - 4/11/2012 Discerning The Trumpets - 4/18/2012 7 Stars & Candlesticks - 5/2/2012 The Church At Ephesus - 5/9/2012 The Church At Ephesus - 5/9/2012 The Church at Smyrna - 5/16/2012 The Church at Pergamos - 6/6/2012 The Church at Pergamos 2 - 6/6/2012 The Church At Thyatira 1 of 2 - 6/13/2012 The Church At Thyatira 2 of 2 - 6/13/2012 The Church at Sardis - 6/20/2012 The Church at Sardis 2 of 2 - 6/20/2012 The Church at Philadelphia 1 - 7/11/2012 The Church at Philadelphia 2 - 7/11/2012 The Church at Laodicea 1 of 2 - 7/18/2012 The Church at Laodicea 2 of 2 - 7/18/2012 Love & Chastisement 1 of 2 - 7/29/2012 Love & Chastisement 2 of 2 - 7/29/2012 The Rapture 1 of 2 - 8/8/2012 The Rapture 2 of 2 - 8/8/2012 The 24 Elders 1 of 2 - 8/15/2012 The 24 Elders 2 of 2 - 8/15/2012 The Heavenly Tabernacle 1 of 2 - 8/22/2012 The Heavenly Tabernacle 2 of 2 - 8/22/2012 025 The Imminent Rapture 1 - 8/29/2012 026 The Imminent Rapture 2 - 8/29/2012 The Lion & The Lamb 1 of 2 - 9/5/2012 The Lion & The Lamb 2 - 9/5/2012 Worthy Is The Lamb 1 of 2 - 9/12/2012 Worthy Is The Lamb 2 of 2 - 9/12/2012 031 The Pope Is Antichrist 1 - 9/19/2012 032 The Pope Is Antichrist 2 - 9/19/2012 First 4 Seals: 4 Horsemen - 9/26/2012 First 4 Seals: 4 Horsemen 2 - 9/26/2012 The Fifth & Sixth Seals - 10/3/2012 Signs In The Skies - 10/10/2012 Signs In The Skies 2 of 2 - 10/10/2012 Underground Bunkers 1 of 2 - 10/17/2012 Underground Bunkers 2 of 2 - 10/17/2012 The 144,000 (Rev 7:1-10) 1 - 10/24/2012 The 144000 (Rev 7:1-10) 2 - 10/24/2012 Great Tribulation Martyrs - 11/7/2012 7th Seal 7th Trumpets 1 of 2 - 11/21/2012 7th Seal: 7 Trumpets 2 of 2 - 11/21/2012 The First Four Judgments - 11/28/2012 A Star, Key, & Bottomless Pit - 1/2/2013 The Fifth Trumpet... First Woe - 1/9/2013 The Sixth Trumpet: Destruction - 1/16/2013 Little Book & Seven Thunders - 2/20/2013 Little Book & Seven Thunders 2 - 2/20/2013 The Tribulation Temple 1 of 2 - 3/6/2013 The Tribulation Temple 2 of 2 - 3/6/2013 The Two Witnesses - 3/13/2013 The Third Woe 1 - 3/20/2013 The Third Woe 2 of 2 - 3/20/2013 Israel in Prophecy - 5/1/2013 The Dragon: 7 Heads... 1 of 2 - 5/8/2013 The Dragon: 7 Heads... 2 of 2 - 5/8/2013 The Dragon vs The Man Child - 5/15/2013 060 Dr. Ruckman Rev 12 Clip - 5/22/2013 Israel: 3 1/2 Year Refugees 1 - 6/5/2013 Israel: 3 1/2 Year Refugees 2 - 6/5/2013 Angelic War (Rev 12:7-9) 1 - 6/12/2013 Angelic War (Rev. 12:7-9) 2 - 6/12/2013 The Destroyer (Rev. 12:7-11) 1 - 8/7/2013 The Destroyer (Rev. 12:7-11) 2 - 8/7/2013 Satanic War on Israel 1 of 2 - 8/14/2013 Satanic War on Israel 2 of 2 - 8/14/2013 Introducing the Beast 1 of 2 - 8/21/2013 Introducing the Beast 2 of 2 - 8/21/2013 The Nature of the Beast 1 of 2 - 9/4/2013 The Nature of the Beast - 9/4/2013 The Identity of the Beast 1 - 9/11/2013 The Identity of the Beast 2 - 9/11/2013 How To Identify The Beast 1 - 9/18/2013 How To Identify The Beast 2 - 9/18/2013 The Mark: Eternal Damnation 1 - 10/16/2013 The Mark: Eternal Damnation 2 - 10/16/2013 The Second Beast Part 1 of 2 - 10/23/2013 The Second Beast - 10/23/2013 The Mark of the Beast - 11/6/2013 Pope Is NOT False Prophet 1 - 11/13/2013 Pope Is NOT False Prophet 2 - 11/14/2013 The 144000 In Glory - 12/4/2013 The Everlasting Gospel - 12/11/2013 The Three Angels (Revelation 1 - 1/8/2014 The Three Angels 2 of 2 - 1/8/2014 The Great Winepress - 1/15/2014 The Sea of Glass 1 - 1/22/2014 The Sea of Glass 2 of 2 - 1/22/2014 The Heavenly Temple (Rev 15) - 2/5/2014 The Vial Judgments (Rev. 16) - 3/19/2014 Behold I Come As A Thief - 4/9/2014 Armageddon (Revelation 16:16) - 4/23/2014 The Battle At Armageddon 1 - 5/7/2014 The Battle At Armageddon 2 - 5/7/2014 The 7th Vial (Rev 16:17-21) - 5/21/2014 The Great Whore 1 of 2 - 6/4/2014 The Great Whore 2 of 2 - 6/4/2014 Fornication With Great Whore 1 - 6/18/2014 Fornication w/Great Whore II 1 - 7/2/2014 Fornication w/Great Whore II 2 - 7/2/2014 Drunk With Wine of Fornication - 7/9/2014 A Woman Rides The Beast - 7/16/2014 Full of Names of Blasphemy - 8/6/2014 The 7 Heads and 10 Horns - 8/20/2014 The Woman of Purple & Scarlet - 9/3/2014 The Golden Cup - 9/17/2014 Mystery Babylon - 11/19/2014 The Mother of Harlots 1 of 2 - 12/3/2014 The Mother of Harlots 2 - 12/3/2014 The Bloody Woman 1 of 2 - 1/14/2015 The Bloody Woman 2 of 2 - 1/14/2015 The Mystery of the Beast - 4/1/2015 The City On Seven Mountains - 4/8/2015 The 8th King (Rev 17:10) - 5/13/2015 The Islamic Mahdi 1 of 2 - 6/3/2015 The Islamic Mahdi 2 of 2 - 6/3/2015 Debunking Islam Antichrist 1 - 6/10/2015 Debunking Islamic Antichrist 2 - 6/10/2015 The Coming World Religion 1 - 7/8/2015 The Coming World Religion 2 - 7/8/2015 Revelation 17:16-18 part 1 - 7/22/2015 Revelation 17:16-18 part 2 - 7/22/2015 Revelation 17:18 (1 of 2) - 8/5/2015 Revelation 17:18 (2 of 2) - 8/5/2015 Revelation 18:1-3 (1 of 2) - 9/9/2015 Revelation 18:1-3 (1 of 2) - 9/9/2015 The Jesuit Devils 1 of 2 - 9/16/2015 The Jesuit Devils 2 of 2 - 9/16/2015 Come Out of Her My People 1 - 9/23/2015 Come Out of Her My People 2 - 9/23/2015 The Whore Sits As A Queen 1 - 10/21/2015 The Whore Sits As A Queen 2 - 10/21/2015 The Smoke Of Her Burning 1 - 11/4/2015 The Smoke Of Her Burning 2 - 11/4/2015 The Wealth of the Vatican 1 - 12/2/2015 The Wealth of the Vatican 2 - 12/2/2015 The End of the Vatican Whore 1 - 12/9/2015 The End of the Vatican Whore 2 - 12/9/2015 A Final Word About The Whore 1 - 1/20/2016 A Final Word About The Whore 2 - 1/20/2016 Heaven Prepares For 2nd Coming - 2/3/2016 The Marriage Supper the Lamb - 2/10/2016 The Appearance of the Word - 2/17/2016 A Day of Reckoning - 3/9/2016 147 Satan Bound 1,000 Years 1 - 3/16/2016 148 Satan Bound 1,000 Years 2 - 3/16/2016 149 Satan Bound In The Pit 1 - 3/23/2016 150 Satan Bound In The Pit 2 - 3/23/2016 151 Ruling & Reigning W/Jesus - 4/6/2016 152 The First Resurrection 1 - 4/13/2016 153 The First Resurrection 2 - 4/13/2016 154 The Last Rebellion 1 - 4/20/2016 The Last Rebellion 2 - 4/20/2016 The Millennial Kingdom 1 of 2 - 5/4/2016 The Millennial Kingdom 2 of 2 - 5/4/2016 Life In Millennial Kingdom 1 - 5/11/2016 Life In Millennial Kingdom 2 - 5/11/2016 The Millennial Government 1 - 5/18/2016 161The Millennial Government 2 - 5/18/2016 Conditions In The Millennial 1 - 6/1/2016 Conditions In The Millennial 2 - 6/1/2016 Animal Sacrifice In The 1 of 2 - 6/15/2016 Animal Sacrifice In The 2 of 2 - 6/15/2016 Millennial Kingdom Population - 7/13/2016 The Population of the Mill 2 - 7/13/2016 The Millennial Jewish King 1 - 8/3/2016 The Millennial Jewish King 2 - 8/3/2016 The Lake of Fire 1 of 2 - 8/24/2016 The Lake of Fire 2 of 2 - 8/24/2016 A New Heaven and New Earth 1 - 9/7/2016 A New Heaven and New Earth 2 - 9/7/2016 Life W/God vs Lake of Fire 1 - 10/12/2016 Life W/God vs Lake of Fire 2 - 10/12/2016 176 Who Goes To Lake of Fire 1 - 10/19/2016 177 Who Goes To Lake of Fire 2 - 10/19/2016 178 Annihilation vs Eternal 1 - 11/2/2016 179 Annihilation vs Torment 2 - 11/2/2016 Introducing The Bride... 1 - 11/16/2016 Introducing The Bride... 2 - 11/16/2016 The City of God (Revelation.. - 12/7/2016 The City of God (Revelation.. - 12/7/2016 A Day In Paradise.. - 1/4/2017 A Day In Paradise.. - 1/4/2017 The 3 Stage Revelation... 1 - 1/11/2017 The 3 Stage Revelation... 2 - 1/11/2017 The Time Is At Hand.. - 1/18/2017 The Time Is At Hand.. - 1/18/2017 The Basic Conditions of.. - 2/1/2017 The Basic Conditions of.. - 2/1/2017 The Testimony of Jesus.. - 2/8/2017 The Testimony of Jesus.. - 2/8/2017 Whosoever Will (Rev 22:1) 1 - 3/1/2017 Whosoever Will (Rev 22:1) 2 - 3/1/2017 God's Final Warning 1 - 3/15/2017 God's Final Warning 2 - 3/15/2017 The End (Revelation) 1 of 2 - 3/22/2017 The End (Revelation) 2 of 2 - 3/22/2017
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