Football is the ultimate team sport. Every man on the squad has a position to play and a job to do. When the team comes together and plays as a team, it has the best chance of winning. But the team on the field, the players themselves, are only one of the teams that make up a professional Football organization. There are also professionals who work in the FRONT OFFICE. And then there is the COACHING STAFF, who work with the players, training and equipping them to do their job on the field. Three teams-- the Players, Management, and Coaches--each absolutely necessary for a successful football franchise. The Church is very similar to a professional football team in that we have 'players', a team of front office personnel who are concerned with the business end of the church, and then the COACHING STAFF who spend the bulk of their time teaching, training, strategizing, enabling the players to be the very best they can be in this game we call CHRISTIAN LIVING and MINISTRY. Paul, in Ephesians 4:11, introduces the Coaching Staff of the church, and this sermon looks in-depth at the four gifted individuals: apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor-teacher. Two of them, apostles and prophets, were part of the foundation of the church, and have since retired. But today we have those with the gifted evangelists and pastor-teachers to equip the 'players' to do the work of ministry. Perhaps God has gifted you to serve on the coaching staff of your local church. |