There's one job in this world that I have no desire to do or ever be--and that is President of the United States. I cannot imagine the heavy weight that must be on his shoulders, especially with this pandemic. He gets blamed for everything bad that happens and doesn't get credit for the good. Tough job. And yet, every four years we have an election--and in just a few days we will select who will lead our country for the next four years. Leadership is essential for the future of our country and church.. But many are adversed to leadership, perhaps because they do not understand biblical leadership. Leaders are God's servants. All authority is established by God. They are to promote the good and punish the wrongdoing. And leaders are to be viewed as God's Ministers, answerable to Him for their decisions and actions. We are to support them in their work. And secondly, leaders are to be servant-leaders, that is, leading from the bottom up, rather than from the "top-down". Leaders are to be servants of the people, not lords over them. Now, God hs given two gifts to the church, both are involved in setting goals and direction for the organization.-- The gifts of leadership and administration. Those with the gift of leadership are BIG PICTURE, vision casters, motivators, whereas those with the gift of administration draw up the plans to get from point A to B, and then manage others to accomplish the work. Sometime God combined both gifts in one person, like He did in Nehemiah. Nehemiah directed the rebuilding of the Jerusalem wall. Every principle of modern management is illustrated in the life of Nehemiah. The church today needs servant-leaders like Nehemiah! |