"There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother." Proverbs 30:11
Agur begins a series of evils that he must have observed as being prevalent in his time. The first one that he mentions is a direct violation of the fifth commandment; Honor thy father and thy mother (Exodus 20:12). As we look at our own society, we very quickly see that this evil is as prevalent today as it has ever been. As the focus of our culture has been moving more and more toward the value of uniqueness; parents have become portrayed as hindrances and negative influences on children’s development. Many theories in pop Psychology attempt to trace back every negative outcome in a person’s life, to the influence or actions of their parents. Surely we live in a generation that curses their fathers and withholds blessings from their mothers. May Christ give us the wisdom and strength not to be swept away in the tide of foolishness that seeks to destroy the family and the glory of God.