God is sovereign so if God saves anyone it isn’t because God had to save them. God is sovereign so if God saves any sinner it is because God chose to save them by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Our children learn the most about how they are to live life not by what they are taught in school, but by what they are taught at home. May the Lord be pleased to teach our children the fear of the Lord and the importance of the worship of the Lord by the example of their parents.
A man’s acts are always the truest index of his desires and purposes. We must make Christ the paramount object of our soul’s pursuit or our spiritual life will decline. It was Christ yesterday, and it must be Christ today and Christ forever. It will not do to feed partly on Christ and partly on other things. As in the matter of life, it is Christ alone; so in the matter of living, it must be Christ alone.
Pastor Scott Richardson
Christ in me and me in Christ. Throw the thimble in the ocean. The thimble is in the ocean, and the ocean is in the thimble.
Pastor Todd Nibert
As believers in the gospel of the free and sovereign grace of God in Christ Jesus, we should every time we pray, pray with expectancy. We are God’s children by eternal election and faith in Christ, so why WOULDN’T our Heavenly Father hear and answer our prayers? When we are seeking His will, and the conversion of sinners to Christ, and for the church here to grow in grace, faith and love, and for God to glorify Himself by adding to the church, why shouldn’t we EXPECT it? Is our Lord’s hand shortened that He cannot save, or His ear heavy that He cannot hear? (Isaiah 55:1).!
When the gospel is preached here week after week, why shouldn’t we expect sinners to believe it? It is the truth, it is the gospel that we believe and preach. Men are lost, and only the gospel is the means God uses to save sinners. So why, every time the gospel is preached here, should we not expect sinners to believe and God to honor His Son and His Word?!
The hour we are called to live and witness in is urgent! May our prayers and faith be full of expectancy, for our God is gracious and omnipotent and if he would save us and teach us of His grace, we should EXPECT He would do it for other sinners, for Christ’s sake. Let us honor our Lord by EXPECTANTLY BELIEVING He will answer our prayers!
Pastor Don Bell
What a man hopes for in heaven reveals the state of his heart. If he perceives heaven and its glories in terms of colonnaded mansions, golden streets and pearly gates, then it reveals a heart filled with the things of this world. But, if heaven is perceived as the privilege of being with Christ, beholding His glory, singing praises to Him and growing in the knowledge of Him forever, then it reveals a heart made alive to spiritual things. The closest thing to this experience on earth is the worship of the assembled church of God, for in her worship, the church meets with Christ, listens to a message of His glory, sings praises to Him and grows in the knowledge of Him. If you do not like church worship here, you will not like heaven, for heaven is simply the realization of all that the church longs for here!
Pastor Joe Terrell