The Induction of the Rev Thomas Yates to the Pastorate at Maryport Street Baptist Chapel in Devizes was held at 3pm on Sat 11th April, 2015. The chapel was full as members and friends gave thanks to the Lord for His provision of a Pastor after a 7 long year interregnum. Church secretary Paul Mackey told those present how just over a year ago the Rev Yates had been invited to fill the pulpit on an occasional basis for Lords Day ministry. And even during those initial visits there was a recognition by the church of the clear and uncompromising way in which Mr Yates preached the Gospel and further expounded the scriptures in such a practical and helpful way for all. Further preaching visits were organised and it quickly became apparent that the Lord was leading both future Pastor and church alike in a similar direction. In the autumn of last year the Rev Yates was asked to come to preach with a view. During a further meeting with the Diaconate at the home of the Rev Yates, the church became aware of a strong unity of purpose towards Rev Yates, believing sincerely that the Lord would have us issue a call to him to take up the Pastorate at Maryport Street. This was indeed done and he accepted the call. The Rev Yates started his ministry here on the Lords Day, 22nd March 2015.
There was an account from Rev Yates detailing the Lord’s dealings with him throughout his life and in particular the last year. He had been in fulltime ministry as Pastor of Hope Baptist Church in Haslemere, but had to take full time secular employment to support himself latterly. The Lord answered many prayers made during this time and eventually led Rev Yates to Devizes.
We were encouraged and challenged by the ministry of Pastor Richard Clarke of Plymouth who gave the charge to the Pastor, and Pastor Robert Cordle of Harrold who gave the charge to the Church. The day was a blessed occasion for all who gathered. As a fellowship we look to the Lord to bless and build His work. May the Lord be glorified in all that is done in His Name at Devizes’.