"To have respect of persons is not good: for for a piece of bread that man will transgress." Proverbs 28:21
Do you have a problem with compromising truth for the sake of honoring people? This has become a humongous problem in our culture hasn’t it? In order to impress or accommodate an individual or people group, justice is withheld from another, simply because they are not deemed as important. The last half of the verse is meant to illustrate the fact that once we decide that a violation of justice is acceptable in one area, we will eventually violate justice for the most trivial reasons. The reason for this is that we are helpless when it comes to managing sin. As we willfully begin to violate justice in one area of life, sin will fight to place us in complete bondage. May we strive to love God and seek holiness, as we live by faith, in the freedom found in Christ.