Birthdays: Dennis Vanzandt – Aug. 17th • Kathryn Cox – Aug. 19th • Jane Sparks – Aug 19th • Charlotte Pannell – Aug. 19th • Mariel Moore – Aug. 20th
I am preaching today and tonight in Almont, MI, for the congregation of First Baptist Church. Just to remind you, this is the church formerly pastored by Brother Jim Byrd. The brethren in Almont are still searching for a pastor. Please remember them in prayer as they go through this process. I will be returning home tomorrow. – The Pastor
There should never be any argument concerning the character and conduct of true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our character and conduct should to some degree reflect the love and obedience of our Master for us and the power of His love and grace within our regenerated hearts. Our character and conduct should show forth the glory of His power, goodness, and grace towards and within us. At the same time, our witness to men in matters of character and conduct should NEVER say to them, “This is our righteousness or part of our righteousness before God.” That would be a denial of the Gospel of God’s grace, a denial of Jesus Christ as the Lord our Righteousness. Our character and conduct should support our claim of being righteous in Christ Jesus by His righteousness imputed alone. Our character and conduct should never challenge or undermine this great truth of God’s grace. – Pastor Bill Parker
John 19:30
“Jesus, when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.” There is something very striking in this loud voice of Jesus. Not like one exhausted; not as one dispirited; but as a conqueror in the field of battle, retreating with His spoils. Jesus cried aloud, that all on earth, and all in heaven, and all in hell, might hear, “It is finished!” What is finished? Redemption-work is finished. And from that moment the empire of sin, death, hell, and the grace were vanquished … and that song was sung in heaven … “Thou was slain, and hast redeemed us to God by the blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation” (Revelation 5:9). – Robert Hawker (1753-1827)
The Lord used ravens to feed Elijah, but Elijah never thought of trusting in the ravens. If we lean on instruments instead of the hand that uses them, we bring down a curse upon ourselves, for it is written, “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm and whose heart departeth from the Lord.” – Scott Richardson
Moralism is not the Gospel. Disgust over the sins of others may be a dangerous and harmful distraction. The Pharisee in the temple who "prayed thus with himself," thanking God "I am not like other men" was lost in his self-righteousness. It was the tax collector, standing afar off and not so much as lifting his eyes to heaven confessing "God be merciful to me a sinner" who "went down to his house justified" (Luke 18:9-14).
A Pharisee once said to me, "I know I am forgiven! I sin, but when I do, I see, "And stop, and keep on liv'n!
"I do not repeat my sin, "But quickly do repent! "That is how I know I'm in: "From evil I relent!
Now as I heard this Pharisee, My heart was very sad; For he compared himself to me, And didn't look so bad;
But by his words, he did dismiss alvation's one true ground: Only in Christ's righteousness Is true assurance found.