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Thank God, You’ve Nailed It! Your approach to this infinite book of God’s wisdom speaks of this very Laodicean church age we now live in.
This message should snap us back into God’s holiness, because many have left the moorings of orthodoxy and are found hopelessly swimming in shark infested waters of mysticism fueled by the tenets of Roman Catholicism. God has opened the doors of His called out ‘chosen ones’ to escape from Babylon, but many of have been duped by men who are wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Bro. Lawrence is one whom many has said, “He was someone who had a direct relationship with mystery.â€That’s scary!
Jesus the Door, unfortunately stands knocking for entrance into the place that He has purchased with His own blood. God, forgive us.
Great Sermon! I am grappling with how to relate to a believing friend who has a son transitioning to be a women. Many churches are tolerant of this, your sermon has direct applications. Thanks for clarity!
IThis message absolutely nailed it! I thank you so much for this truthful message. the scriptures speak for themselves.The way you unfolded the gospel message was easy to follow and understand that it's by His righteousness alone that we believers are found worthy in His sight.
I look forward to your book.
Shelley Briggs
Great Sermon! Wonderful clear message used by the LORD the simple and powerful Godpel so edifying Brother!!Thank you soooooo much!!ðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™â¤ï¸in CHRIST!!!
A SHARED EXPERIENCE !! As with you, Bill, so with me. When The Holy Spirit brought me out of false religion (Southern Baptist), His "leading" eventually caused me to cross paths with the book, THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD by A. W. Pink. I was AWE-STRUCK !! HE MIGHTILY USED Pink's books and his monthly expository digest (Studies In The Scriptures) to give me a right understanding of The Word of God. What a prolific writer of THE TRUTH was Pink. I love 'his style' ... he never minced words, but was one to "cut to the chase". I am so thankful to God for using the 'resolute' Pink (and his helper wife, Vera, who did the typing) to give me a right understanding of THE HOLY BOOK more than any other of His Servants. They had a "single eye" for HE WHO IS SOVEREIGN. They are two of my heroes of THE FAITH. They each embraced the gift of God, that being faith, and refused to allow themselves to be persuaded by fear or chase after worldly pleasures. They 'spent' themselves lifting up "THAT NAME THAT IS ABOVE ALL NAMES" in the earth. To this day, Pink's writings are VERY WIDELY READ ACROSS THE WORLD. One of the many truths of The Kingdom of God is that "GOD HONORS THOSE WHO HONOR HIM" -- 1 Samuel 2:30.
Thank you Thank you for this sound sermon, Bill Parker of Eager Avenue Grace Church. I'm grateful to our eternal LORD for this soundly thirst filling fellowship to our LORD.
Alicia B Dickson
YOUR SON IS BLESSED Christ has taken Aaron unto Himself for Aaron to love HIM with an undivided heart ... to have no eyes for other beauty, no heart for other loveliness apart from the Altogether Lovely One. His banner over Aaron is love (Song of Solomon 2:4)
SCRIPTURE TWISTERS Pastor Bill, you are faithful to remind your listeners that they are NOT to blindly follow you or anybody else. Instead, they are to be like the Bereans (Acts 17:11). Today, it is very difficult to find a church that does not have one of Satan's "wolves in sheep's clothing" occupying the pulpit. They work their deception by putting THEIR spin on THUS SAITH THE LORD and tempting their listeners to doubt The Word of God like Satan did with Eve (Gen. 3:1). With Eve, Satan did not deny that God had spoken. He simply questioned whether God had really said what Eve thought that He had said. Thank you for being faithful to your calling, Bill. Continue to WARN your audience that The Father of Lies and his masquerading "angels of light" always have been about the business of DECEIVING. We are individually responsible to discern error and to respond to it biblically. In Matthew chapter 4, Jesus used THE HOLY SCRIPTURE to defeat all of Satan's temptations!
AN ADMISSION ! Pastor Bill, I was never happy with my prayer life until the Holy Spirit taught me how to communicate with My Heavenly Father. He opened my understanding to the fact that prayer is a TWO-WAY spiritual relationship where I do not do all the talking, but also LISTEN TO MY HEAVENLY FATHER with a humble, vulnerable, dependent, seeking spirit. Before HE taught me how to pray, I HATED PRAYING and, NOW, I LOVE IT because it is a reciprocal conversation going on around the clock with my Father on high. I enjoy carrying on a conversation with somebody that I love and I know that they love me and have my best interest at heart. In other words, I'm NOW never out of the state of praying! I keep my praying simple, from the heart, and I pray "Thank You" and "Please" (like a little child!). Praying right calls for humbling oneself. Christ said in Matthew 18:1-5 -- "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."