“Take his garment that is surety for a stranger, and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.” Proverbs 27:13
While the details vary, most of life is predictable. Ideas and actions have predictable consequences. The person who foolishly lends to a fool is predictably going to find his calls unreturned on the day of promised repayment. In the same vein, the individual who skirts around the edges of adultery will eventually become trapped by the tempter. Coming to grips with this truth is difficult because it insults our self-esteem. Our nature insists that we can manage, but this idea that we can manipulate results to our liking is an idea that is steeped in pride. What about you? Have you been brought to the humbling realization that you cannot manipulate the results that you want as you walk in your own wisdom? God will demonstrate this in your life, either by teaching you by word or by scourge.