Our special services will be held this week on Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m. Pastor Mike Walker of the Millsite Baptist Church will be preaching both services. There will be a time of fellowship with light snacks after the service on Friday and lunch will be served on Saturday. We will also have lunch and a time of fellowship while we celebrate Syndey Kinnel’s 10th birthday following the service on Sunday.
The church in Merida Mexico is preparing for a construction project to enlarge their auditorium. If you would like to send an extra offering to help with the cost, please mark your offering “Merida Project”. We will plan on sending the offering to them in four weeks.
Those who have been saved are those who are “being saved” (I Cor. 1:18; Phil 2:12, 13). Those who have learned of Christ are those who “are learning” of Him (John 6:45; Matt. 11:29). Those who truly know the Lord are those who “desire to know Him” (Phil 3:7-10). Those who have seen the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ are those who continue to cry unto the Lord, “I beseech Thee, show me Thy glory” (Ex. 33:18). These are the people who say, from the heart, “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake with thy likeness” (Psalm17:15).
Pastor Maurice Montgomery
Preaching Christ and Him crucified is not simply repeating the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ died on a cross 2,000 years ago. Preaching Christ crucified is preaching WHY CHRIST DIED and WHAT CHRIST ACCOMPLISHED IN HIS DEATH.
Christ died because the Father “made him sin” (II Cor. 5:21). Christ died because He was made to be guilty of all of the sin of His people and the justice of God demands death for sin. “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” (Eze. 18:4).
When Christ died, He accomplished the eternal redemption of His elect. “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures” (I Cor 15:3). Christ died to fulfill the Old Testament pictures of Christ seen in the many sacrifices required by the law. The animal blood shed in those sacrifices could never take away sin (Heb. 10:4), but the blood of Christ did! The blood of Christ justified all of God’s elect. That means the blood of Christ completely removed all of the sin of God’s elect! The blood of Christ so completely removed the sin of God’s elect that God Himself said, “their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Heb 10:17).
When our sin is removed by the blood of Christ, the Father accepts us into His presence. Right now, in Christ, the elect are accepted into the presence of God in worship and prayer. And one day the elect will be accepted into the presence of God for eternity all because of WHY Christ died and WHAT Christ accomplished by His death as the Substitute for His people.
Why do we as God's people say and believe Christ is all? First, because the word of God says he is. Secondly, God His father said he is; "this is my beloved Son hear Him", again; "no man can come to me except the Father draw him". Third, We need Him to be our All, because we have nothing of our own to contribute to God, to our salvation or our preservation. So we need Christ to be our All in everything before God for we cannot know, approach or be accepted of God except only in Christ. We need Him to be our All before our hearts and conscience for He alone can speak peace to a sinful heart and satisfy and purge our consciences from all it's dead works we had before Christ saved us by His grace. O yes Christ is All and we love Him for it and WANT HIM as our All. Bless His Holy Name.
Pastor Don Bell