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Dr. Bill Jones | New York, New York
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New York Gospel Ministries 350 W 26th St New York, NY 10001
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Single for a Season
Posted by: New York Gospel Ministries | more..
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Last Wednesday Galen and I went to a pastor’s luncheon and were able to meet several pastors from the Midtown/Chelsea area. After the meeting was over Galen and I ended up talking to different people and eventually made our way to the door at different times before heading back to Manor separately. As I walked down the street, wondering where Galen was, my phone began to vibrate, so I answered it.

It was Galen inviting me to join him and one of the pastors as they went out for coffee. I don’t really do the whole coffee thing, but I’m all for meeting likeminded brothers and seeing how we can work together for the sake of the gospel. He texted me an address and I began making my way across the island, before bumping into them along the way – interestingly enough, we met going opposite directions on the sidewalk, somewhere within a block or two of Grand Central Station.

As we sat down to meet this pastor and he started to tell his story and ask us about ours, the topic of singleness came up. He made the comment that it’s ok to be single for a season, not a reason. While I don’t think the quote is necessarily a comprehensive or full-orbed quote, I did really appreciate the point of the quote. It’s ok to be single for a time or season in your life – Not because you’re impossible to get along with or are afraid of commitment or something.

He encouraged us to embrace the opportunity that we have as single men to devote our lives to the work of the gospel in ways that we will not be able after wives and children come along. Galen and I are both doing this – taking advantage of the opportunity, but at the end of the day, it can be discouraging. Checking Facebook and finding another freshly minted couple, or attending another wedding comes with more than a little mixed emotions. No platitudes, please.

He spoke as a man in his thirties who had been providentially given an unusual season of singleness and was able to use it for the work of the gospel in ways that married men are typically unable. I went away very encouraged not to be frustrated but to take heart with renewed energy for the task that God has called me to. Now as I write this, I’m reminded of the word for Encourage (para-kaleo) that we learned in elementary Greek class in college. The idea behind the word is to come along side of a person and call out encouragement to them, like a personal trainer who comes along side of you and cheers you on to keep running the race.

That’s what this pastor’s fellowship meant to me as I reflected on the journey that led me to this place here in NYC. The “takeaways” from this portion of our interaction was to embrace this season of singleness that the Lord has placed me in, rather than resenting it, or even being ashamed of it. There are a thousand voices out there, ready to offer their opinion on who and when you should marry, but the Voice that really matters is the One that directs history according to the council of His will.


This last week we had a little higher attendance than normal: Around 105 on Tuesday, 120-130 combined on Thursday, and around 120 on Saturday. On Sunday we had several people here for the first time, including four different young adults. Things continue to progress in our Friday night Bible study with 20-25 regulars. I’ve been encouraged by the openness and interaction that we’ve had during these studies.

Tomorrow I'll be starting a new sermon series in the book of Acts. Remember to check out our sermons page! We post new sermons weekly.

Also, check out our Facebook page and "Like" us there.


On the theme of the Word of God, I’m planning to begin formally putting together a doctrinal statement in preparation for ordination which, Lord willing, will be at some point in the future. Right now, I think I’m going to take a discipling approach as I put it together. This means that academically oriented people will certainly be able to see the technical terminology for what I believe, but the statement will be designed with our people in mind. I want to write it in a way that would be clear for the person who has no church background. I desire to serve regular people over the next fifty to sixty years, so I need to be able to communicate in a way that puts the information where the questions are. I want to write these paragraphs as a part of these blog posts, because then I will be sure to get around to it, rather than leaving it on the back burner till I’m “less busy.” As I write I will continue to edit and revise what I’ve written, while adding it to a master file.

I believe the Bible is the Word of God.

The Bible claims to be the Word of God. This claim is made throughout both the Old and New Testaments. (Exodus 4:30, Joshua 3:9, 2 Kings 17:13, Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 40:8, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:16-21, 1 Timothy 5:18)

We know the Bible is the Word of God because it has internal and external evidence. (Subject of later post)

I believe that every word of the Bible was given by inspiration of God.

(subject of later post)

I believe the Bible is inerrant in the original manuscripts.

This means that the Bible is without error. This only applies to the original manuscripts (The original letter than Paul wrote, for example). The reason I bring this clarification is because we have around six thousand New Testament manuscripts and no two are perfectly identical, though they all say the same thing and contain no historical or doctrinal discrepancies. These errors that are found in copies that we have are due to Scribal errors. A scribal error is a mistake that a scribe made as he copied the Word of God by hand. Some examples of the kinds of mistakes that are found in New Testament manuscripts are when words are switched in order. A primary example of this would be “Jesus Christ” v. “Christ Jesus.” While this is a “mistake” or discrepancy, there is no corruption or theological distortion. Beyond this, through the process of textual criticism we can discern the correct reading in places where differences are found in the manuscripts. Textual criticism is the comparison of different manuscripts in order to discern the original words used by the writer. In your comparison of hundreds of Greek manuscripts, it becomes quite clear where the scribal errors are. For example, when the oldest manuscripts all do not contain a certain passage, then that is an indicator that the verse/s in question were not part of the original writing. When the manuscripts from a wide array of geographical locations concur, that helps to bring clarity to the question. When the greatest number of manuscripts agree on a certain reading, this helps bring clarity. A famous example is found in 1 John 5:7. The reading found in the King James Version is found in only three manuscripts out of thousands of manuscripts in existence. In those three manuscripts, the writing style makes it clear that the additional Trinitarian words were a late addition, added as a marginal note or intentional change from the original. However, we can still hold up a translation such as the KJV and confidently affirm, “This is the Word of God.” Footnotes and apologies are not necessary for such a statement.

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