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Dr. Bill Jones | New York, New York
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New York Gospel Ministries 350 W 26th St New York, NY 10001
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Above and Below, Before and Behind, Christ Be All Around Me
Posted by: New York Gospel Ministries | more..
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Tonight, Monday, November 10th, 2014, I write from the my room in the basement of the Manor Chapel. I’m very comfortably seated on a couch that the Lord provided for me. I also have a nice space heater blowing warm air in my direction, and I’m still wearing my button down shirt, sweater, and jeans. It’s almost midnight and Brad and Galen went on the midnight run.

Several news type items are as follows:

- Galen returned safely after a ten-day trip where he traveled to Wisconsin to visit churches, raise financial support, and recruit summer interns. It’s a huge blessing to have Galen back. I only wish more churches and individuals would gather around him and support him financially. He is in desperate need of a new computer in order to do the photography and videography editing for the ministry that needs to be done. I’m praying that the Lord would provide a new Macbook Pro, because this is exactly what he needs to do the work that is before him. His computer crashed several weeks ago and he’s been limping through with an old laptop from a previous decade. His income is well under $1,000 per month, and I believe it’s closer to $500 per month. This is reflective of all of our income levels. Consequently, none of us have insurance, but the Lord has provided for all of our needs thus far. One more comment I wanted to throw in: Galen works really hard. A fourteen-hour workday is perfectly normal for him. He works six or seven days a week. He often will use his “Day off” to visit other ministries or friends to help them with projects. He’s very skilled in construction in addition to all the other more “traditional” ministry skills – preaching, teaching, counseling, discipling, leading, serving, making music, etc. (Edit: It's now approaching 2:00 AM and I hear him still working upstairs, getting things ready for tomorrow's outreach service)

- Our ministry income needs to double, as we are only bringing in about 50% of our needed income here to meet the expenses in the new location. When Pastor and Mrs. Jones moved to the city a decade ago, things were very different at the lower-east side location. Since moving to this location in the old Manor Church around two years ago, a tremendous amount of money has been spent bringing the building up to a safe, livable condition, though much work remains to be done. The building projects have come to a standstill till additional support comes in. The money that the Jones family raised for personal support has gone into the building expenses. Think of it like getting a salary from your employer, and then out of necessity, you are required to put those wages back into things like the power bill for the company that you work for. This is the sort of the situation we find ourselves in due to the nature of our ministry. Many churches that minister to a comparable number of people each week (350+/-) bring in an income each month that is equal to our income each year. I’ve found great comfort in the concept that John Piper speaks of in his book Future Grace. The idea is that at the time of great need, sufficient grace will be there to see us through. God doesn’t give us the plane ticket till we get to the airport - which is also the day of the flight.

- This last weekend we had a group of students from The Kings College come and do some work around here. They were able to clean a box truck load of junk out of the attic and basement, and continue to work on stripping the woodwork in the main auditorium, in addition to several cleaning projects that needed to be done. It was a great encouragement to have this group of twenty or so students come in and get some projects done! Many hands really do make work lite, or light work, or however the saying goes.

- I continue to face an unusually high degree of personal opposition, given the amount of time I’ve been in the city. There’s not a whole lot I can say about it in a public forum such as this, but my approach from the start has been the same as it has been since long before coming to the city: Find a Godly mentor who’s at least a generation older. Rely heavily on his counsel, particularly when things get crazy. I’ve never really been one to go with a flow just because the flow is going. The problem comes when society has its way of operating, and then there’s you – the person who marches to the beat of a different drum. The difficulty is the same as it always has been. Don’t suffer as an evildoer or as a meddler, but suffer reproach as a Christian. Don’t bring hostility upon yourself through stupidity or sinful actions. It has been proven time and time again that if you do in fact live like Jesus did, the world will crucify you, like they did Christ. Don’t be surprised by this. I find it interesting that this unusual series of events has come after the sermon series took me through 1 Peter 4. I find special comfort in verses twelve through nineteen. I am reminded of a comment I either read or heard that was made on this text by another preacher. It went something along these lines “How awkward would it be for the time to come where the Christians are being persecuted and the persecutors walk up to you, and examine you, then decide to move on without touching you. You hear them say ‘No, don’t go after him. We only target Christians. He’s one of us. Don’t touch him.’”

- Random story from this last week: a few days ago I was riding the bike back from dropping off the van after completing the midnight run. I stopped at the corner of an intersection (18th and 10th ave) waiting for an opening in traffic so I could go north and cut across, taking 20st street to 9th ave and ride north to 26th street. It was probably 12:30 or 1:00 am. As I stood there, looking back into traffic, waiting for the light to change, or for an opening in traffic, I began to imagine what would happen if one of the many taxis that drove past were to swerve into my lane without seeing me. This thought passed through my mind as I saw a taxi approaching in the lane closest to me. As he continued towards me, a large black Cadillac came up on his right in the middle lane. Only a moment later it cut him off by doing a left turn onto 18th street from the middle lane. The taxi swerved towards me, screeched his breaks, and laid on the horn, while I had a front row seat to this whole thing. I felt like I was watching a moment in someone else’s life. It was as if I was seeing Andy from the perspective of another person who was standing behind him. The funny thing was that my immediate emotional response was like watching a sports highlight play for the second or third time. You’ve already seen how it ends, so when it happens you don’t even flinch and your heart doesn’t speed up or anything. That night I hopped on the bike and said "Thank you, Lord" as I rode on. It's not given to me to know all things, but tonight I am comforted by the lines from a song I've heard recently

"As I go, hand of God
My defense, by my side
As I rest, breath of God
Fall upon, bring me peace
Bring me peace"

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Blog Item8/1/16 4:22 AM
Bestseo  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Bestseo
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That was really awesome post thanks for this amazing post that you have shared, really amazing.

Blog Item11/17/14 1:10 PM
michael kelly | Cheshire UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by michael kelly
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The Lord bless you sir for your inspired and unstinting commitment.
The reward isn't here.

Blog Item11/15/14 1:39 PM
Torrey Courier | United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Torrey Courier
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Thank you brother! I will pray that God
provides for you, the other brothers, and the
ministry as a whole. The world needs more men
who will preach the gospel and work full-time
for Him, and do it basically for free.
His grace is sufficient in weakness"

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