October 19, 2014
“Let My Savior Dwell In Me”
More like Jesus would I be, let my Savior dwell in me; Fill my soul with peace and love, make me gentle as a dove;
More like Jesus while I go, pilgrim in this world below; Poor in spirit would I be; let my Savior dwell in me.
If He hears the raven’s cry, if His ever watchful eye Marks the sparrows when they fall, surely He will hear my call;
He will teach me how to live, all my sinful thoughts forgive; Pure in heart I still would be; let my Savior dwell in me.
More like Jesus when I pray, more like Jesus day by day; May I rest me by His side, where the tranquil waters glide;
Born of Him, through grace renewed, by his love my will subdued, Rich in faith I still would be; let my Savior dwell in me,
Fanny Crosby (1867)
(Tune: “More About Jesus” pg. 326)
The Evil Problem
Men often ask the question if God is good why is their evil in the world? Lost Religious and foolish men would rather charge God with folly then to charge themselves with sin! But let God be true and every man a liar! I bow down before the Sovereign God and creator of all things. Jack Shanks SEEING CHRIST’S GLORY The following is an edited outline of a daily reading by William Mason: Ministers who do not preach Christ, or sinners, who do not speak of Christ, are to be pitied. Their eyes are blind to His matchless glory, nor do their hearts understand their desperate need of Him. However, 1. When redeemed sinners see Christ’s glory, they will speak of Him to others. · John 12:41 – “These things said Esaias, when he saw His glory, and spake of Him.” · John 4:29 – “Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?” · There is nothing self-exalting, nor crying out – ‘See me, admire me, or what a fine experience I had.’ 2. When redeemed sinners see Christ’s glory, they will speak of Him to God the Father. · They will come in His name, they will plead His blood only for the pardon of sin; His righteousness alone for the justification of their souls; and His intercession for their obtaining every blessing in earth and heaven. · It is on this basis alone that they come with assurance before the throne of grace. It pleased the Father, that in Christ all fullness of grace and glory should dwell, Colossians 1:19. 3. When redeemed sinners see Christ’s glory, they will speak of Him to one another. · The sight of Christ’s glory blinds us to our own fancied glory. · The more we see of Him, the less we like ourselves. What glory is there in a filthy dunghill, or a birdcage full of ravenous birds, or a nest full of scorpions or snakes? Even worse than these are our natures apart from the grace of God.
When I my Savior’s glory see Revealed in the word to faith, My soul is full of ecstasy, I dwell with joy on what He saith. My tongue is loosed to speak His fame, And tell poor sinners all around, That they with me may know His name, And say, I’ve precious Jesus found. WAS THERE ANY OTHER WAY?
“Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.” John 12:27
At first glance, it may appear that our Lord was shirking away from the cross in the hours just before being offered upon the cross. Yet, we know from other portions of Scripture, that there never was a time that He desired anything but the absolute will of His Father, which is evident by His declaration, “not my will but thine be done,” Luke 22:42. Therefore, rather than skirting the cross, as if there were another way, we find him, as the faithful Man, casting himself entirely on the will of the Father to bear Him up in this hour, to keep him till the end. This wrestling of Christ revealed in Scripture, was more than mere physical suffering. He said, “Now is my SOUL troubled.” What we have here is the burden of sin, and the prospect of God’s wrath being poured upon Him, the Just One, as the sin-Bearer for God’s elect. If it were merely physical suffering he had to endure, it could be said that martyrs have died with less agony and distress. One writer summarized it this way, “They had the presence of God with them; Christ was under the hidings of his father’s face. They had the love of God shed abroad in them; he had the wrath of God poured out upon him. Christ’s prayer shows him to be in a condition which neither they, nor any mortal creature, were ever in. The human nature of Christ was now, as it were, swallowed up in sorrow, and intent upon nothing but sufferings and death; had nothing in view but the wrath of God, and the curse of the law.” What a glorious comfort the Lord’s children find in Christ’s faithful intercession. Hebrews 5:8 – “Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared.”
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