October 5, 2014
Words by John Newton
When any turn from Zion’s way, (Alas! What numbers do!) Methinks I hear my Savior say, "Wilt thou forsake me too?” Ah, Lord! With such a heart as mine, Unless Thou hold me fast, I feel I must, I shall decline, and prove like them at last.
Yet Thou alone hast pow’r, I know, to save a wretch like me; To whom, or whither, could I go, if I should turn from Thee? Beyond a doubt I rest assured, Thou art the Christ of God, Who hast eternal life secured, by promise and by blood.
The help of men and angels joined could never reach my case; Nor can I hope relief to find, but in Thy boundless grace. No voice but Thine can give me rest, and bid my fears depart; No love but Thine can make me blessed, and satisfy my heart.
What anguish has that question stirred, If I will also go? Yet, Lord, relying on Thy Word, I humbly answer No. Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me; I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.
(Tune: Amazing Grace #236)
All Spiritual Blessings Eph. 1:3
"Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places IN CHRIST." The Holy Spirit uses this phrase over and over again IN CHRIST. The whole of the word of God is to reveal to us the Lord Jesus and his accomplished salvation. The whole of God’s word is to teach us what we have IN CHRIST. When Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “come unto me, and you shall find rest for your souls” He is telling us there is no other place other than In Him, is there rest for a soul, rest from the guilt and power of sin. When Christ said; "come unto me", He didn’t say come to a particular position on doctrine, come to election, or come to imputed righteousness, he didn’t say come to total depravity, or to God’s Sovereignty, He told sinners to COME UNTO ME! Why? Because when a sinner comes to Christ they receive All that he did in his work, All that he is in His person. We were chosen IN HIM, accepted IN HIM, redemption is through his blood, we obtained an inheritance IN HIM, we were quickened together with him, raised up to sit together in heavenly places IN Him. The long and the short of it beloved is that if we have Christ we have ALL WE NEED, we have it where it counts, before God Almighty who demands perfection. Blessed be his name he provided us perfection IN CHRIST. "And ye are COMPLETE IN HIM, which is the head of all principality and power". We need righteousness - Christ is our righteousness. We need wisdom - Christ is our wisdom. We need sanctification - Christ is our sanctification. We need redemption and Christ is our redemption. God made Him so unto us (1Cor. 1:30). Christ said: COME UNTO ME, in coming to Him you will have all that is IN HIM and you will spend the rest of your life learning about all you have IN HIM! - Pastor WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST?
All false religion adds to life’s burdens as it teaches there is something to be done by the creature to appease their gods. The Bible shows itself divine, by showing a diviner way. It shoves man from the platform. And replaces him by a substitute - what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh. Christ has done wholly. Adam lies dead and we in him lie dead in trespasses. Christ stands on resurrection ground-and faith; a single, simple solitary act of faith-by one bound transports us to His side. Adam disobeyed the law; we disobey it. God insists that we keep it perfectly. He cannot insist on anything less. We cannot keep it perfectly. Then Christ does it for us. Christ all His human life was under the law, keeping the law to make us a record. He earned heaven for us on the principle, ‘do this and live’’-Christ DID and we plead His merit. I get heaven simply on the ground of Christ’s performance -His righteous life. His obedience reckoned mine, is my obedience. - M. Hall
The Bible doctrine is that Christ makes up all liabilities, for us to God-ward. "All our righteousness is but filthy rags and He is all our righteousness." “By Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses” (Acts 13:39). The one act, which saves us, is a simple risk and-venture on Christ. " This is the work of God that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent." (John 6:20). Christ is the Father’s gift to His elect family; He is their portion and inheritance forever. I cannot, dare not, offer Christ, propose Christ, recommend Christ, as a bargain to be obtained by your repenting (which is itself the gift of God), believing, moralizing, seeking, bearing good fruits, or the like. This would be to tell Him face to face that we won’t accept His gift that we are wiser and richer than He, and mean to purchase for ourselves. As a ruined, helpless sinner, with nothing to present to God, that our glorious Maker, as a present only hath bestowed this free gift. Men are believers because they are elected; not elected because they are believers. Jesus said, “Ye believe not because you are not of My sheep’ (Jn. 10: 26). Why didst thou pursue me when I fled thee with such aversion; and had fled thee forever, if thou hadst not compelled me to return? - M. Hall |