Faith looks to Christ alone for all of salvation. Faith does not look to experience to see how my experience compares to others. Faith looks to Christ. Faith does not look for evidences that would prove my salvation. Faith looks to Christ. The only evidence of salvation faith needs to see is Christ. Faith does not look to our actions (i.e. if I do this, I must be saved, or if I don’t do this I must be saved). Faith looks to Christ, to His doing and dying for me. Faith does not try to discern why God is doing what He is doing. Faith looks to Christ and trusts that our God is doing “according to His will in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth” (Daniel 4:35) and that whatever God is doing, “He hath done all things well” (Mark 7:37).
When the dust of division settles, those who are true followers of Christ will be made manifest. They may waver in the confusion, but God’s saints will not be moved away from the hope of the Gospel. When the sowers of discord have had their last fling, the cause of Christ will not be hindered, and believers will still cling to Christ with stronger faith than ever before.
Pastor Don Fortner
The person and work of Jesus Christ is an offense to this lost world and the reason for it is very evident for those who know and believe the gospel of the Grace of God.
Man by nature is in darkness, blinded by the devil and Jesus Christ is the only life.
Man by nature has only his filthy rags of righteousness, Jesus Christ only is righteous.
No man by nature can please God; Jesus Christ alone is pleasing to God.
No man by nature is accepted and just with God; Jesus Christ alone is the Just One.
All the obedience the natural man can render to God is utterly rejected; only the obedience of Christ is accepted.
No natural man knows the love of God; the love of God is in Christ Jesus alone.
Therefore if any would have light and life it must be that which Jesus Christ alone gives freely by His grace. If we would be pleasing to God and accepted of Him, we must be accepted in Christ alone. If we would be justified - cleared of all sin and guilt - we must believe in Christ alone for it. For only in Him can a Holy God justify the ungodly. If we would stand before God without the shame of our nakedness manifested, we must be clothed in the righteousness of Christ alone. If we would know God loves us, we must see ourselves complete in Christ, for in Him alone can a Holy God love a sinner. If men aren’t gathering to Christ as their all in all then they are scattering from Him. If a man is not for Christ with all His heart, then he is against Christ with all his heart. There is no middle ground. That which rejoices the hearts of God’s elect is that very thing all others find offensive. Christ alone, Christ alone, Christ alone.
Pastor Bruce Crabtree
My subject is always the Lord Jesus.
My proof of truth is the written Word of God.
My method is always “Preach the Word and leave the results, whatever they may be, to our Lord!”