"He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding." Proverbs 15:32
The question we are faced with today is a very simple yet probing one to consider. How well do you listen? This can be a challenge for us all, depending on who it is that is giving the instruction. By the way, just so we are clear here, when Solomon says instruction, he is referring to being instructed in wisdom. Isn’t it easy to dismiss instruction due to the personality that God has used to deliver it? The only remedy for being a “respecter of persons” is humility. We would all do well to pray, on a regular basis, that God would instruct us, and that we would be humble enough to receive the instruction He sends. One more thing; those who hear reproof are not just those who are nodding their heads in cognitive affirmation. Those who hear instruction are shaping their lives with the truths they are hearing. What will you do with the instruction that God will send you today?