"A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken." Proverbs 15:13
This passage points us to the reality that the heart is the core of our being, from which we live. In this particular statement we learn that our mood or attitude is a direct expression of our heart. Maybe this verse resonates with you today. Maybe you find that you struggle with a depressed or broken spirit on a regular basis. If you do, this verse along with Jesus’ comments from Matthew chapter six can provide great insight into your struggle. In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus gives us two important truths. #1: Verses 19-20 teach us that everyone is seeking some kind of treasure. This simply means that we all have an agenda or goals that we are working toward. #2: Verse 21 teaches us that our treasure (agenda or goals) will control our heart. Many times our hearts are filled with sorrow because we are not reaching our goals or fulfilling our agendas. In these times, it is very helpful to ask ourselves where we are seeking to lay up treasure. It might make more sense to you to ask it this way: “Are my goals God’s goals?” or “Is my personal agenda Gods revealed agenda for me?” If we ask ourselves these questions and find that the answer is no, then it is time to establish a new agenda with new goals. This is what the Bible calls repentance; and only through repentance, can a heavy, wandering heart find rest.