“The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.” Proverbs 14:14
The term backslider is synonymous with the idea of retreat. Picture a battlefield in which each soldier is expected to occupy a certain position and carry out a specific task. Each soldier’s action not only is significant to the success of the battle but also insures the safety of his comrades. As the battle begins to rage, one soldier is overcome with fear and retreats, leaving his station unoccupied and his brothers vulnerable. This is the picture of the backslider, one who retreats from his assigned tasks.
No one wants to be labeled a backslider. Yet, many retreat from God’s calling on their lives, failing to do what they know they ought to do. Why do people backslide? Solomon says that the backslider is a backslider in heart. The heart is the center of our affections and desires. Therefore, retreat begins when our affections are turned away from God to something more immediate. As has often been said, the heart of the matter is the heart of the matter. If you desire to know your spiritual condition, don’t look first at your accomplishments or your failures. Look first at your heart. Here is a checklist for your heart’s condition:
What do I desire the most?
What brings me true happiness?
How do the answers to the above questions affect my life every day?
Is what I fill my mind with on a daily basis consistent with the answers to the first two questions?