We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Ray Birch
Pastor Mark Gladwell is preaching at the anniversary service at Trinity Church Gloucester today.
Todayβs meetings 9.45am Childrenβs Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11am Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service All are welcome to the after church fellowship at Paul and Janets.
Weekly meetings
Wednesday 9.30 to 11 Mums & Tots
6.45 to 8.00 KIC club for Year 5 & 6 children.
Thursday 2.00 Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker β William Smith
7.45 Bible study and prayer meeting Speaker β Pastor
Friday 7.30 to 9.00 FOY for secondary school children
Saturday 9.30 Open Air Evangelism
Sunday 11.00 & 6.30 Sunday Services led by Pastor
--- and greetings to all our friends from afar who keep up to date with our news by going online each week to read this bulletin.
Prayer For the church Please pray for the on going weekly activities that God may bless each. This is so important!
Continue to pray for Mark Roper's father and his family.
Continue to remember Mike Moore and family, Richard Hart and family.
Pray for those who are finding that their current secular employment is demanding far too much of their life, and are seeking the Lord's leading as to the way ahead.
Pray for Michelle that she will want to walk closely with her Lord as she is away in Africa.
Please pray for Pastor John at Bexleyheath as he is in great pain at this time with his back
For the local area [Chingford We praise the Lord for a work of the Spirit among us - conversions, a baptism and additions to membership. Our prayer is for more workers.
A recent update adds: Praise: Work of the Spirit among the children - conversion of 3 of the older boys; 6 from Friends on Friday (meal with message and games) have signed up for Christianity Explained course. Prayer: Christianity Explained to start 26th May; continuing serious health problems among our elderly folk.
For the wider area Global Prayer Digest Bhutan - Drukpa People The 160,000 Drukpa people who live in Bhutan don't call their country Bhutan but "Druk-yul," meaning, "the land of the thunder dragon." The Drukpa people value their traditions, resist outside influences, and cling to Buddhist beliefs, astrology and black magic. Among the Eastern Drukpa people, young men have to make an oath of allegiance to Buddha at the age of 15. It has only been within the past few decades that there have been any Drukpa Christian believers in Bhutan. The consequences are dire if they turn from Buddhism: their families and friends reject them and they are denied educational and job opportunities. Some gospel recordings, and a radio ministry are all available to them.
Cameroon - Association of Baptists for World Evangelism is helping develop strong Bible-preaching churches that are led by national Cameroonian leadership and that send out their own missionaries. ABWE's Dave Hamrick says "We found some small churches that asked if we would come and help with some leadership training." ABWE also has a great opportunity to use radio as a tool for ministry outreach. Hamrick says that many people in bi-lingual Cameroon want to learn English, and also... "The government is wanting English radio. They have a lot of French-speaking radio, but they are looking for organizations to come in and produce English programming."
Mozambique - Africa Inland Mission is adding a new tool to their church planting, discipleship and evangelism outreach in Mozambique. Paul and Karen Zimmerman are praying God will use radio as a way to reach the unreached peoples in the north. Karen says this isn't an easy place to work. "There's no openness. They're very resistant to the Gospel and to Christianity." The novelty of radio could help since ridicule is a major reason Christianity is unpopular. "If you decide to pick up some literature that's Christian, or you're found reading a segment of the Bible or going to our outreaches, you're ridiculed. So, if you just have a radio, you can pick up the station and listen to it privately, or while you're walking on the beach, and nobody knows about it."
Weekly Bible Readings
Mon 22nd May Amos 3 2 John 9
Tue 23rd May Amos 4 3 John
Wed 24th May Amos 5 Jude
Thur 25th May Amos 6 Revelation 1
Fri 26th May Amos 7 Revelation 2
Sat 27th May Amos 8 Revelation 3
Sun 28th May Amos 9 Revelation 4
Thought for the week: β"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear." Psalm 46:1,2
Notice Board General Announcements Cleaning Rota (this week) - Daniel and Sarah
Door Rota (next Sun) β Peter
Christianity - an introductory course - If you are interested please see Pastor, Paul or Janet.
Church Outing - please let Joyce know or put your name on the list if you wish to book a seat on the coach.
FINAL CALL - Please let Paul know today if you are interested in attending the "Walk through the Bible" seminar in September at Bexleyheath.
Church business mtg. Church members are asked to let Ken Winnie have any matters in writing that they wish to be prayfully considered by the officers, by Sunday 4th June
Contact details
The church website can be viewed on: www.free-grace.org.uk
To add contributions please contact Peter or Ralph at: news@free-grace.org.uk