They tell the people who have not heard, For how can they hear but by the Word.
How can any believe on Him?
When none go and tell “the wages of sin”,
“And how shall they hear without a preacher”,
The law of God, it is said is our teacher,
A teacher that we may know the wrong,
A teacher to show God’s judgment strong,
Now with this lesson in the Bible,
The gospel of peace makes faith so able,
The preacher of the gospel must be sent,
And with this message, the Spirit is lent,
To tell the gospel to each willing heart,
And make a way for grace to start.
“How beautiful are the feet of them”,
“That preach the gospel of peace”, and then…
Bring glad tidings to each heart,
The message of salvation and from sin to depart,
By “grace through faith”, we believe in Him,
No longer bound by, “the wages of sin”.
By Pastor David L. Gilpatric