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David L. Gilpatric | Effingham, New Hampshire
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God who at different times, His Word to make known, Delivered to the hearts of men, His grace bestowed, The Son of God, Angels announced from heaven, Prophets spoke of his glory, The Son of God given, Jesus, Creator, Heir of all things, Has come a Redeemer, To rule as King, The brightness of God's glory, The power of his Word made known, He shed his blood, Our sins to atone, Buried in a tomb, In three days would arise He took his place, At the right hand by his Father's side, Highly exalted above angels, Being betrayed by a disciple, Who didn't know why? Possessing salvation, Has brought us nigh, The Father saying: "I have begotten thee....” I your Father and you my Son, Angels worshipped him, To own a scepter and a throne, An eternal priest of Melchisedec, Holy is the hill of Zion, Kiss the Son, Before his anger is known, Or He shall laugh from his eternal throne. By David L Gilpatric |
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