There is no mistaking the creative work of God, “and God saw that it was good”. God is the holy benefactor of the entire world. The very creation testifies to the works of the LORD, from one end of this world to the other, God is evident. We truly have the expression of God and his goodness in creation, and from the very beginning it has been so. God’s word tells us how life began at his command, and that being stated without equivocation, “….God created the heavens and the earth.” Praise Him beloved! Do not be confused on this issue. There are some who would say otherwise, but they are mistaken, so sadly deluded by their own intellect, which is flawed. They lack the divine perspective and see not the truth, being blinded in this world, by, “….the god of this world (who) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not….” who is the great deceiver and father of lies. Be of good cheer and keep your mind and heart on the Lord, and all that is good from his blessed hand. It is well stated in James 1:17, “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. All gifts and creative works of the divine character belong to God.
Now be blest in this truth that, God is the divine creator of heaven and earth and all they that dwell therein, even though there are those who are doubters, who live in disbelief of the truth, and would teach or preach the humanistic doctrine of evolution, or some combination called theistic evolution. Some are always ready to cry foul and say that, life is not fair and that there is no God, for they have somehow received a raw deal. This is the lie of the ages that Satan has promoted, “Yea, hath God said," while naming God they deny God and that to their own condemnation. God is good! And everything that God provides is good! Where there is evil in this world it is not the fault of God, but man, for his nature is fallen, as at the first when he disobey God and partook of the forbidden fruit in the garden of the LORD.
It is easy to become distracted and let discouragement steal away the true God-view of things. Do not listen to the voices of suppression that would suppress the truth and believe a lie, that would silence your delight in God and steal away your awe of the Creator God. The voices that echo self and vaunt themselves up are not of God, and will only lead away from the truth of God and his word. God is the divine benefactor in creation, and our lives, for without him our lives are without true purpose and meaning. No primal swamp has the answers to life for when that lie plays itself out, we all end up in the same hopeless soup. What destiny! Put thy faith in God; the one who created everything. Genesis 1:2, 3 "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” In Jesus Name. Pdlg