Chariya has been studying salvation Bible lessons with Theary for weeks. Theary finished lesson 5 which ends with a question, "Do you want to pass from death unto life?" Chariya answered absolutely, "Yes!" So Theary started into lesson 6, which starts with, "You can not save yourself." After studying this truth by looking at Romans 3:20 and Ephesians 2:8-9, Theary asked Chariya if she thought she could save herself from sin. "No." was her reply. Then Theary asked her if she had any questions. She did. "If there is nothing that I can do to save myself, then how can I be saved." Great question. Theary went on to eplain that she could be saved by just believing and receiving Jesus Christ as her Saviour. (Believing.....that Jesus Christ is the one true God, that He died, was buried, and rose from the dead after three days to pay for our sins in full, that only Jesus can save a person from sin. Receiving......Jesus Christ as your Saviour and receiving His salvation from sin. He will not force Himself on you. If you love sin so much that you don't want to be saved from sin, then you do not have to receive His deliverance. However, if you do choose to be rescued from your own wicked sin, then all you have to do is call on the Lord Jesus Christ with a believing heart.)
After Chariya called on Jesus Christ to save her, Theary explained that she was now a child of God. (John 1:12) So Theary asked her, "What do you think a child of God should do?" Chariya answered, "Study the Bible more." Then she asked Theary, "Will keep coming to teach me?" Theary has already had her first discipleship lesson with her. What a blessing this was to all of us here!
Thank you so much for you continued prayers concerning our ministry.The above story is the direct result of one of our 10 salvation Bible studies and a direct result of your prayers! Thank you for your help!
About the same time last week, I also received terrible news from home. My step-brother, Phil, and his wife, Amanda, were involved in a bad "deer/car" accident. As many of you already know, Amanda died instantly, and Phil is still in critical condition. They have a 2 year old daughter who doesn't yet understand how much her life has changed. Phil does not yet know either. He has been under sedation. Being so far away, I feel my hands are tied. However, when my hands are tied together, I can but fold them toegether and pray. Will you join with me? Please pray for Amanda's parents, her family, and my extended family as they grieve, heal, and move forward from this tragic event.