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8/19/12 6:44 PM
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Pastor Sean, I heard your audio article on the two soldiers killed from the insider threat I like the questions you ask. I don't have the complete answer as to why we are still there but perhaps a piece to the puzzle. I served 2011 in Afghanistan, partnered with 430 Afghan soldiers. Our goal was to get them self-functioning so that we could know that when we leave an insurgency would happen again. When I left they were getting close, but thier way of life doesn't promote the way they need to function to defend thier country. They have some soldiers in thier chain of command that are working towards self-sufficient. However it is working out the others that are slow to care about national pride and security. It is a frustrating situation and I agree that we need to begin our seperation. It is hard to say that if we remain in Afghanistan it will minimize the attacks on American soil such as 9-11. Greg Riehle