“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20) *************************************************************************** WHY SHOULD THE RIGHTEOUS FEAR? Tune to “THIS IS MY FATHER’S WORLD” SM/double Words by JIM BYRD
1. Why should the righteous fear, The pow’rs of earth or hell? Our Savior is the Lord of lords, We safely in Him dwell. Let nought disturb our rest, In Christ we are secure; When troubles like a mountain rise, Through Him we shall endure.
2. Should sickness strike the flesh, If all things should appear To be against us, yet believe, Trust God and do not fear. For Christ our Savior reigns, His providence is wise; The Lord who loves us without end, Reigns over earth and skies.
3. May we not fearful be, But in our Savior rest; For in the Lord our Righteousness, We are forever blessed. All pow’r belongs to Him, He rules with sovereign might; He guards us in the light of day, And through the darkest night. *************************************************************************** CONGREGATION SCRIPTURE READING: PSALM 129
READINGS FOR THE WEEK June -24-30 Sunday - Job 41-42 Monday - Psalms 1-9 Tuesday - Ps. 10-17 Wednesday- Ps. 18-22 Thursday - Ps. 23-30 Friday - Ps. 31-35 Saturday - Ps. 36-39 *************************************************************************** WHY MOST PREACHERS TODAY WILL NOT PREACH THE GOSPEL 1. It would mean the admission that they themselves have been lost. 2. It would mean that what they’ve preached up to that point had been a lie. 3. It would mean that those who have believed them and followed them are lost also and destroy their false refuge. 4. It would mean that the majority of their programs and methods are wrong and unbiblical. 5. It would require them to change these programs and methods to those that have less appeal to the flesh. 6. It would mean they would be at odds with their denomination and its leaders. 7. It would mean a life of persecution instead of a life of popularity. 8. It would mean being content with results and statistics thought to be a failure by today's religious standards. 9. It would mean the loss of physical and financial security as organized religion provides it. 10. It would mean being excluded from the circles of today’s professional “clergy” and the loss of social acceptance in ministerial groups. Many I am sure have counted the cost and found themselves unwilling to pay it. God’s preachers find themselves like Jeremiah saying, “His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay” (Jeremiah 20:9). Or as Paul, “Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel” (1 Corinthians 9:16). Or as Peter and John, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). Or Luther who said, “Here I stand; I can do no otherwise. God help me.” --Pastor Gary Shepard *************************************************************************** CONSUMER-ORIENTED PREACHERS The rule of the day among false religionists is demand and supply. Whatever the congregation demands, that’s what lying prophets are ready to supply. The average preacher is like a shrewd businessman, consumer-oriented and motivated by personal success. His job is to find out what religious consumers want and then provide it. That is the key to success in the business world, and that is the secret to making it big in the religious world. There are multitudes of preachers saying whatever it is people want to hear. The demand creates the supply. The hearers determine what their preachers will say and do. If the people want a golden calf to worship, you may be certain that a calf-maker can be found and will fashion it just as the people desire. Though most preachers are ready to supply the demands of the multitudes, the Lord still has His servants who are faithful to their commission. God’s men proclaim the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. They seek the approval of God, not the applause of men. They have no selfish ambitions; they set no lofty, personal goals. They seek the glory of God in all things and are determined to preach the gospel of Christ. They faithfully set forth God as being absolutely sovereign in creation, providence and salvation. They proclaim that “salvation is of the LORD” (Jonah 2:9). They declare man’s total depravity and his inability to save himself or make himself righteous before a holy God. They preach the successful, redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ. They insist upon the necessity of the regenerating grace of the Holy Spirit. Boldly and unashamedly they declare that “Christ is all.” He is all to be known, all to be seen in the Bible and all to be preached from the pulpit. They faithfully declare how God can be just and justify the ungodly through the blood and righteousness of Christ. The world’s rule of demand and supply means nothing to them. The message God has supplied and demands them to preach, that is what they proclaim. –Pastor Jim Byrd