Daily Readings: May 20-26 Sunday - 2 Chron. 1-3 Monday - 2 Chron. 4-6 Tuesday - 2 Chron. 7-9 Wednesday- 2 Chron. 10-13 Thursday - 2 Chron. 14-17 Friday - 2 Chron. 18-20 Saturday - 2 Chron. 21-24 *************************************************************************** SUFFERING SAINTS The Sovereign Lord said to the church in Smyrna, "Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer" (Revelation 2:10). Let us learn not only from what the Savior said in this verse, but also from what He did not say. He did not say to His redeemed people, "your life after conversion will be one of ease and free from suffering." No, He said just the opposite. Trials, difficulties, troubles and hardships are the common lot of all God’s children. The Lord has no sons who do not suffer and endure some kind of hardship. Hear Him say to His disciples, "In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). God has foreordained that as long as we are in this vile world we will have troubles and the Lord Jesus Christ has declared the certainty of it.
While it is true that suffering is unavoidable, here is the encouragement: "fear none of these things." Child of God, there is no need to be afraid of your difficulties and trials. They cannot harm or destroy the elect of God. As a matter of fact, far from hurting us, afflictions and tribulations are actually beneficial to us. Troubles remind us of those things which are eternally important: salvation by grace, pardon of sin by Christ’s blood, the righteousness of the Savior freely imputed to us and an eternal inheritance reserved in the heavens. Tribulations drive us to the Savior for rest and anything which drives us to Him is good. Weary pilgrim, do not be afraid of those troubles and trials you are called upon to face day by day. They cannot harm you; they cannot separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus; they cannot destroy you. They are meted out by your sovereign Lord according to His eternal purpose and will work together will all things for your good. –Pastor Jim Byrd *************************************************************************** OUR ADVOCATE There is an Advocate and Intercessor always waiting to present the prayers of those who come to God through Him. That Advocate is the Lord Jesus Christ. He mingles our prayers with the incense of His own almighty intercession. Our prayers, as poor as they are in themselves, are mighty and powerful in the hands of our High Priest and Elder Brother. The bank note without a signature at the bottom is nothing but a worthless piece of paper. The stroke of the pen gives it all its value. The prayer of a poor child of Adam is a poor and feeble thing in itself, but once endorsed by the hand of the Lord Jesus, it availeth much. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16). –Scott Richardson *************************************************************************** THE REIGN OF GRACE "Grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 5:21). The grace that saves the sinner is not mere pity and sentiment such as we find in the creature. The grace that saves sinners is established on the principles of an honored law and a satisfied justice (Romans 3:23-26). Grace does not ignore the law nor set aside its requirements. No! It establishes the law (Romans 3:31). Grace established the law because it has a Substitute who perfectly fulfilled the law and endured the death penalty for all who believe, in order that God may be both just and Justifier. Law manifests what is in men – SIN! Grace manifests what is in God – LOVE! Law demands righteousness from men! Grace brings righteousness to men! Law sentences men to death! Grace brings dead men to life! Law speaks of what I must do! Grace tells what Christ has done! Law gives knowledge of sin! Grace puts away sin! –Henry Mahan
"Oh to grace how great a debtor, Daily I’m constrained to be; Let thy goodness like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee."