"And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life." (1 John 5:20) *************************************************************************** JESUS DIED FOR SINNERS TUNE: "O FOR A THOUSAND TONGUES" CM WORDS BY JIM BYRD
1. ‘Tis written in the Word of God, For sinners Jesus died; He satisfied the law of God, For all His chosen Bride.
2. The Word declares Christ gave Himself, For sheep that went astray: Poured out His sin-atoning blood, And washed their guilt away.
3. The Bible says redemption’s work, Christ finished on the cross; He saved His people from their sin, And from eternal loss.
4. Relying on the Word of God, To Jesus I will flee; No other One can save my soul, For all eternity.
5. Though full of guilt and sinfulness, On Christ I cast my soul; I trust His blood and righteousness, To make this sinner whole. **********************************************************************
Brother Jack Shanks dictated the following to his wife Shirley and said he wanted this to be read at his funeral. At the service, their daughter read these words. "Lord, when I took my final breath And saw You face to face in death, Now shall my heart forever sing, Heavenly praises to my King." ************************************************************************
INVINCIBLE GRACE If we have been taught by the Holy Spirit concerning our sinfulness and the inability of the unregenerate man to perform a spiritual act, then we will realize the necessity of God’s irresistible, invincible call of grace. "Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: Thou hast the dew of Thy youth" (Psalm 110:3). The Lord Himself must overcome the natural rebellion of the sinner, quicken him by His almighty power and effectually draw the object of mercy to the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Savior of sinners. Unless God exerts this fetching grace, no sinner will ever come to a saving knowledge of Christ. Mr. Spurgeon’s comments on this subject are quite good. "Man by nature is as a wild horse dashing to the precipice. If he be restrained in his course and turned away from danger, it is because he has a mighty Rider, and One that knows how to pull the bit and guide him as He pleases. And though he kick and lunge and long to turn away, his Rider can pull him up on his very haunches, turn him around, and make him go as He wills. In this matter it is true that all the bringing of the gospel to the soul of man is of God." Thank the Lord, He has conquered our hearts, broken our spirits and brought us to the end of ourselves. He has granted us true repentance from idolatry and dead works, and led us with merciful kindness to trust the Lord Jesus Christ, relying upon His blood and righteousness, and seeking acceptance before a holy God only in this glorious Mediator. –Pastor Jim Byrd *********************************************************************** REFORMED? I have never cared much for the term "reformed." First of all, it is not a prominent Bible word, nor is it ever used to refer to God’s elect. They are not "reformed" but reconciled, redeemed and regenerated. We were dead and God gave us life. Neither do I wish to be identified too much with the "reformations" of men. Most of them, though "protesting" the Roman Catholic Church, came out with far too many of the rags of Rome still clinging to them. And, I have found that many who claim to be so, also claim to have been saved under a false gospel and later became "reformed," coming to the doctrines of grace. God’s work of grace in the salvation of His people is not a redoing of the old, a removal of faults, or an amending of what already is, but a "new creation." The need of men in our day is not reform but rebirth! Christ said, "Ye must be born again," born from above through that incorruptible seed of the Word of God. The term also seems to say "I've arrived." But as Paul, "I count not myself to have apprehended..." Even as one reborn, I stand in daily need of reformation! --Pastor Gary Shepard *************************************************************************
If you know Christ, it is enough, though you be ignorant of other things. If you are unacquainted with Christ, it is nothing if you know everything else. –Philip Henry ************************************************************************** ONE WAY It is interesting to read the biographies of the old saints, but I offer this word of caution. After reading them, some are tempted to think that these were exceptionally holy people who entered heaven because of their dedication and faithfulness. Be aware that most of the time the biographers of these men and women leave out the multitude of the struggles, faults and failures of their subjects. Remember, none enter heaven because of their works. Those who arrive safely into the presence of the Lord do so because of Christ’s blood and righteousness. There is but one way to heaven - CHRIST IS THE WAY! –Pastor Jim Byrd