"Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him."(Isaiah 62:11-12) *************************************************************************** FREE AND SOVEREIGN GRACE Tune "THERE IS A FOUNTAIN FILLED WITH BLOOD" CM/DOUBLE Words by JIM BYRD
1. ‘Twas sovereign grace that fixed on us, To save a chosen race; The blessings that abound to us, To grace alone we trace. ‘Twas grace that brought the Savior forth, To be the Sacrifice; To satisfy the law of God, And pay our ransom price.
2. ‘Twas grace that nailed Him to the cross, To suffer in our stead; To bear the burden of our guilt, The dear Redeemer bled. ‘Twas grace that sent the Holy Ghost, To quicken us when dead; And by almighty, drawing grace, To Jesus we were led.
3. ‘Tis grace that brought us to the Lord, When we were gone astray; ‘Tis grace that watches over us, And guides us day by day. ‘Twill not be long and we shall see Our Savior face to face; And then forever we will praise His free and sovereign grace. ****************************************** Daily Readings -April 22-28 Sunday - 1 Kings 5-7 Monday - 1 Kings 8 Tuesday - 1 Kings 9-11 Wednesday- 1 Kings 12-13 Thursday - 1 Kings 14-15 Friday - 1 Kings 16-18 Saturday - 1 Kings 19-20
SCRIPTURE READINGS TODAY: MORNING: PSALM 19 EVENING: LUKE - 13:1-17 ****************************************** AM I GROWING IN GRACE? He is a growing Christian to whom Christ is more and more precious. As our estimate of Christ rises, our estimate of ourselves necessarily becomes lower.
To believers, Christ is everything. He is all their salvation. If we are guilty, He has atoned. If we are vile, He is worthy. If we are nothing, He is all in all. To be in Christ is heaven begun! To be like Christ is heaven completed! He to whom Christ is precious, to whom the Word of God is sweeter than honey, to whom sin is odious, to whom secret devotion is a delight, who strives to honor his Master in his life, who regards the world as a broken idol, has passed from death unto life. –William Plumer ***************************************************************************
WHAT DOES FAITH DO? Faith takes God at His Word and lays hold of Christ for everlasting salvation. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31). Faith is the hand that reaches out and touches the hem of His garment, but faith does not cure spiritual diseases, Christ does. Faith looks to that One who said, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up" (John 3:14), but faith does not heal the poison of sin, Christ does. Faith cries out to the Savior, "He whom Thou lovest is sick," but faith cannot raise the dead, only Christ can. Faith never wears the crown, exalts herself, seeks the glory or strives for recognition. True faith always focuses upon, bows to and honors the Lord Jesus Christ to whom she owes everything, even her very existence. "Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2). –Pastor Jim Byrd
*************************************************************************** SHEEP IN THE MIDST OF WOLVES! "The LORD is my Shepherd" therefore I have everything I need (Psalm 23:1). "Shepherd" – this is a comprehensive word. The sheep can do nothing for themselves. The Shepherd must guide, guard, feed, heal and recover. It is well for us that our Shepherd is the LORD! If His power, care, compassion and fullness were not infinite, the poor sheep would be forsaken, starved and die! But we have a Shepherd full of care, full of kindness, full of power, Who has said, "I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment" (Ezekiel 34:16). How tender are these expressions and how well fulfilled! His sheep feed in the midst of wolves yet are safely preserved; for, though they cannot see Him, His eye and His heart are ever upon them!
Which of God’s children have not cause to say, "My soul is among lions!" (Psalm 57:4), but our Shepherd stops their mouths or only permits them to gape and roar and show their teeth. He does not allow them to bite and tear us at their will. Let us trust our Shepherd, all shall be well.
As to daily occurrences, it is best to trust that a daily portion of comforts and crosses —each one the most suitable to our case—is adjusted and appointed by the hand which was once nailed to the cross for us! We must trust, that where the path of duty and prudence leads us—that there is the best situation we could possibly be in, at that time. --John Newton